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Ask Canvas (pictures included)

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Freesia: What's your favorite flavor of ice-cream? Me I love them all!... well, almost. I don't really like the pistachio flavor. Oooh, now I'm craving for ice-cream... 

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my top five pet peeves. hmmm when people chew with their mouth open, when they say libary instead of library, when they dog ear a book, when ice cream gets between my teeth and freezes them, and when i cant remember somebodys name.


yes i do remember shipping Slash and Abby

wait who are you shipping me with? why wasnt i told about this?!

hush Abby get  back in your box


all of the ice creams with flavor

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Freesia: But winter is the best!... hmph... ? Oh! I have another question. Can you tell me how to say this word? It's spelled, uh... C-H...R-O-N-O, umm.... L-O...G? I-C-A-L. It's Seria who asked me to learn words, but I can't say this one.

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Freesia: Crow-no-lodge-ick-al... Chronological! Yay! But that's so weird... I don't understand the H at all... I thought that when there was a C before it that it would do a 'Sh' sound. I don't get it... I thought that it was said ''Shro'' so I was all confused... Why does the H do that, Canvas?

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Freesia: Ah. Okay. I'll ask Seria later, then... Hey! Canvas, can I ask something else? What do you do when you're bored? Sometimes I'm so bored I have no idea what to do! It's... It's so boring when it happens...

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What's that Under there?

im not falling for that. But to answer your question, its Springer, my dog


@Freessia: i just sketched some Five Nights at Freddy's stuff. im actually posting one right now.



Celestia or Luna? Hehe~

Luna definetly

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