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Saving the Hero (See OOC)

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Solar nodded at what Gale said, being careful to watch his words. He mumbled a bit to himself and cast a few protection spells of his own over Thunder, blinking a bit at the lost bit of energy. A faint buzzing sound reached his ears and he stopped, his ears twitching a bit. "Wait..." He said, hoping to bring the group to a stop. He listened for a bit longer, before he classified the buzzing as the sound of a Changeling hive. His heart thudded loudly, despite the effects given off by the gas. "We're here."




Zed's eyes began glowing green for a few seconds, before quickly returning to normal. He crossed his arms and pretended like Thunder wasn't there, he did not want to risk the filly figuring out that she was in his mind. He had to keep her safe... even if it meant ignoring her completely. "She's beautiful, actually." He said, looking away a bit. He quickly glanced to the space next to him. "Now is not the time!" He whispered, before turning back to the filly. "No offense, but... I kind of want to be left alone for a few minutes."

Unconscious?! Take her and everyone else away from here! Go back to the castle and prepare defenses! Why the hell won't you listen to me?! He yelled at Discord through the hive mind. It may have seemed like he was angry, but in all reality, he was terrified for them...

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thunder frowned, but blushed when he said she was beautiful 

"zed.....i need you to let me give you one.....i think it will help you regain control of your body" she told him

she then leaned into him and gave the filly a glare

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Gale nodded. "Aye. We are here." He said. "Let's see what they've got before we try anything... Discord can look like anything he wants... why not be a fly?"
He then smirked. "I'm sure they wouldn't hurt their own cousin... I think."

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Darky and Lullaby chuckled at what Gale said.

Luna just looked at the hive. She didn't liked that place at all.


Chrysalis felt sonething odd getting close to her hive.

"They are here." She said, then stood up. "Prepare the defences! Get ready to deal with them!" She ordered her changelings.

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~The little filly studied the other for a moment. It was his mind afterall and if he so wished for her to go she had no choice but to oblige. It was quite irratating these limits were really. A sweet smile formed as she noticed what was making it's way towards Zed. "Sure, no problem~!"  Ooh~! It has been awhile since these bad boys were used! She thought with much excitement. Boss must be pretty serious about this one.


There slinking forward quitely upon the ground were purple tendrils. As they slithered upon the ground, the color in the scenery was erased leaving behind the nothingness of a black void. The magical tethers had a shadow like quality to them. Appearing as mere shadows stretching forth accross the ground. However, there inent was far from innocent. They were the last piece of this puzzle. The tendrils quietly inched forward until they were met by he back of Zed's leg. It was then that they began their ascent coiling like a venomous snake around both legs, arms and up his back until they reached his head. The coiling could not be felt they lay upon the boy's skin as if they were tattoos that he had received in the past.


A  hauntingly sweet smile appeared on the filly's face her eyes yielding a darker mischeif to them. "See ya around, Zed." She chirped before vanishing in the blink of an eye. Her playful eyes being the last to disappear. It was a shame they couldn't play longer...ah, well. There will always be a next time.~


The unicorn  focused heavily on her task at hand. Blocking out all noises until she was finished. A wicked smirk formed on her lips  as the tendrils finished silently wrapping themselves around Zed. Finally. This was it she had him. Now with her magical tethers in place it would become even more difficult to break from her hold. Not impossible. No, there was still a chance that he could break from her grasp completely, though, she doubted he knew how.


Besides what use was a puppet without strings?

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Solar stared at the hive, nervously biting his lip. "So... Any plans?" He said quietly, glancing back at the group. He ducked behind a few bushes when he saw a few Changeling soldiers strolling out of the hive, probably keeping watch. "We could either run in there and blindly flail our attacks, or we could try to sneak in quietly. Either way, we're getting Zed out of there."




Zed paused for a moment when Discord mentioned his birthday. It's... not that big a deal. Just... take everyone and go. I can't stand the thought of anyone else I care about being in danger. He watched as the small filly walked away, but something about the way she looked at him sent an ominous chill up his spine. He blinked a few times, before looking back at Thunder. "If you touch my back, it'll do more harm than good." He said quickly, not noticing the black tendrils coming toward him. "If my shoulders are touched at all, it'll..." He stopped as soon as he noticed the black tendrils crawling up his legs. His heart thudded loudly within his chest, and he immediately tried to break free. But it was no use. As soon as he turned around, he noticed the dark, empty abyss slowly creeping toward them. He did not know why, but this made him freeze with fear... and he noticeably closed his hive mind off from Discord.

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Thunder stepped back in fear

('I've seen this before you need to get him away from it') the voice told thunder

She shook her head and went to grab at the black thindrals to pulled then off

As soon as she touched them she screamed in pain and she became visible to hoodoos filly

She was then shot back a few feet and landed hard agenst the non existent ground

('Probly should have lead with don't touch it')

"You think!" She yelled out loud as she got up again and slowly made her way to zed to try again


Brave sat there looking at the hive thinking

"Were not sneaking in there" brave said pointing "those guards are connected to the hive mind meaning that they will all be alerted as soon as they see us" brave then pointed to the barrier at the entrance

"And if I know my shields that's a detection barrier meaning chrysalis will know exactly what is going in and out"

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"I don't think sneaking in is going to work..." Gale said, pointing at the Changelings appearing around their fortress. "It's clear they've spotted us. They've seen us... that's the only explanation as far as I can see."

Gale sighed. He was thinking of something. "Ah... no point in diversions. She can see us now. I said I'd protect Thunder, but I can't protect her and attack them at the same time... it seems someone else will have to carry her. Powerful levitation and protection spells can do the trick."

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Luna turned to Gale. "I will take care of her while you do attack." Luna said. "me and my daughter will take care of her while you and the other press forward."


Darky put Thunder on Luna's back. "Alright dear. Be careful." he said.

Luna smiled and nodded.

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HooDoo smirked as the mental image of Thunder was revealed. Found you. She was starting to doubt if she would ever get to find the mysterious presence though, the tendrils did their job perfectly. The sound of Zed's heart rate pounded once again in her ears. Judging from the quickening of sound he was afraid. Perfect. His instability would be a lot easier to control. "Your Majesty," She began turning towards the Queen. "I've rooted out the problem. There seems to be some other mare in his head." She stated with mild interest.


~The tendrils squirmed viciously whenever Thunder and Zed had tried to remove them. Almost as if they were angry by the act. A low mumbling could be heard as one small shadow like tendril shimmed it's way up to Zed's ear. She shouldn't be here. A disembodied voice whispered in his ear. The voice sounding much like the combined voices of HooDoo and the filly. Not safe. Not safe. If you cared for her you would make her leave. The voices chirred lowly for Zed's ears only.


You are dangerous for her. It accusingly whispered.~

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"All right, then." Solar replied, nodding to Gale. "You and I will charge in first, and I'll stun them with one of my light spells. Before they have time to recover, we'll take them out. Aunt Luna and Lullaby will stay to the back of the group and protect Thunder at all costs." He stopped once he heard what Discord said. "Oh no... That means something's going on. We need to get in there now. Any objections to the plan?"




The young man's heart thudded loudly within his chest as the tendrils slowly moved up his body, and he was unable to take his eyes off of the empty void in front of him. He flinched as he heard the strange voice coming from one of the smaller tendrils that slithered its way toward his ears. Listening to the voices, he bit his lip nervously. "T-thunder... You have to leave. Now. Please don't argue..." He said, his heart rate speeding up.

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"ya what am i doing" brave said to solar








"your right im not aguing cause im not listening" thunder said "but you listen to me dont listen to anthing but me" she said standing in front of him

she had a burn mark on her hoof but it was quickly diapering

"zed...zed listen to me....do you remember when we first met?" she asked him as a tear rolled down her face

(please listen to me, i dont want to lose you)

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"Come in after we go, Brave." Gale suggested. "We cannot distract them for a surprise attack anymore, but you can keep as many enemies, that are still remaining, as busy as possible in order for Prince Solar and me to infiltrate the base. If there's an opportunity for you to join us after you take care of them, join us inside."

He then said to Prince Solar. "I'm ready when you are."

He opened his wings and positioned to take off. Waiting.

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"I'm alright with the plan." Darky said.

Luna and Lullaby agreed, ready to go.


Chrysalis nodded. "Then take care of her. Feel free to fo it however you wish to."she said as she sat down in her throne again. They were close, she could feel it.

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~Their hold around Zed tightned slightly as Thunder drew closer to him. Too close! Too close! They hissed venmously into Zed's ear. Dangerous you are deadly. The voice chanted putting extra emphasis on the word you. She shouldn't be here...all your fault...! As the hisses continued extra voices were added. The new voices held almost eerie familiar tone within them...the extra  voices could be closely associated to those that were in Zed's memories the same memories that were projected onto the screen.~


"Is there anything you would have him do?" She questioned motioning to the stalk still Zed. She didn't doubt her ability to keep control over him, however, she wasn't over confident. Anything could happen. All it took was for him to see through her ruse and come to his senses and then it was all over. Plus, with extra consciousness present in his mind that ran the risk of her losing her grip even higher. And she didn't plan on sticking around when that happened. Once her tethers were broken she was out of here. HooDoo held no loyalty to anyone she was just in it for the bits. 


Nothing personal just business.

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"Brave, while Lullaby and Aunt Luna are protecting Thunder, you'll be protecting them." Solar thought for a moment on Discord's comment, rubbing his chin thoughtfully with a hoof. "Actually, that might not be a bad idea. We can go ahead, and you can brainwash as many as you can into attacking their own. It'll allow us to save some of our energy." He said, staring thoughtfully at the Changelings guarding the entrance. "All right... let's go!"




Zed twitched as he heard the shrill whispering in his ear, the tendtils wrapping themselves tighter around him. He could not move... not because of the tendrils, but because he was frozen with fear for the first time in years. He was not afraid of HooDoo or her magic, no... he was aftaid for Thunder. He shook his head violently as the voices continued whispering in his ears, and he clenched his fists so tightly that his nails dug into the palms of his hands. "Thunder, get out. Now. You can't be here... You can't..." His words trailed off as a sharp pain seared through his shoulders, and he tensed up. His eyes widened and once again began glowing a bright green hue. "Get away from me!" He screamed at her, his hands beginning to bleed from how deep his nails dug into his palms.

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Thunder frowned at him as tears rolled down her face

She lifted her hoof and slapped him acrossed the face as hard as she could

"Listen to your self you've never yelled at me"

(I've never slapped you eather but that's beside the point) she thought to her self

"Zed I am not leaving without you so your eather snapping out of it and help me help you....or I'm in danger with you"

Brave nodded and activeted some buff and ward spells acrossed them before turning back into an Arieon

"I will give my life to protect them as always

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"Awww..." Lullaby said as Discord let her down, but it was time to work.

Luna nodded and made the defensive spell around her, Lullaby and Thunder.

Darky got ready to defend his family also.

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HooDoo merely stood on stand by waiting for the Queen to give any orders. She focused her attention back onto the scene playing out in Zed's mind. Things seemed to be getting intense between those two. She noted watching the exchange between Zed and what she assumed to be his marefriend perhaps? She wasn't sure. Love had never been her forte. It will only be a matter of time before-ouch....She winced slightly at the sound of the hoof slap Zed just received.


Well...that was unexpected.

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"All right... Now!" Solar yelled, shooting out of the bushes. As soon as the Changeling soldiers saw him, he began to charge up the stun spell. Once he was within the right distance, he yelled back at the others; "You might want to look away!" Before a bright beam of light erupted from his horn. He held it for a few seconds, before allowing it to die down. All of the Changeling guards were either shielding their eyes, or hissing in a threatening manner. "After stun! Now!"




Zed cringed when Thunder suddenly slapped him across the face, and he looked at her with a completely shocked expression. "T-thunder..." He said softly, his eyes going back to normal. He rubbed the spot where she slapped him, tears beginning to blind his vision once more. "Thunder... you don't understand..." He said, his head hanging low. "I can't... I can't bear the thought of losing you because of what I've gotten myself into." He sighed and turned away. "You have to leave... don't... worry about me. I'll pull through. I always do..." He reached a hand up and gently wiped away a tear from her face. "I love you." With that, he began to back away toward the darkness.

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