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Saving the Hero (See OOC)

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The attack had been partially blocked this time, only by Brave for Luna, Lullaby, and Thunder.
Gale only charged up enough to block for himself and a bit for another. So, he decided to trade his complete defense for a partial one for Darky, who was closest to him.
The surge came out and cut the flames away, the amount of power was prioritized at Darky, so Gale took the burning. He grit his teeth, wincing as it seared his body. It burned some of his clothes... He took some second degree burning everywhere and a bit less of a third degree on his neck. He grunted. He's used to this, many years of dealing with physical and mental pain trained him to stay focused without faltering.
"Boy..." He said to this dark creature. "Your question is a paradox. It has already been answered. We came because we do care, and if this is what your feelings have been telling you this whole time... Then what the hell have we been doing wrong to you?"

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Luna made her spell stronger until she saw Brave defend them. She lowered her shield to recharge some magic until the flames disapeared. Once that happened, she brought it up again, feeling a bit better for the time to catch her breath.

Darky noticed Gale defended him. He saw his burn marks and then teleported himself and Gale inside the shield Luna made.

Lullaby saw his burns and then her horn glowed, using her magic to heal the burned areas so he could fight better.


Twilight looked at her friends as they arrived. Alright, Aj, Dash, Flutters, Rarity... where was Pinkie? She was the only one missing. No wait, she was there. Just arrived. "Alright girls. You all know what is going on." She said as she stood up. "Celestia had already sent ponies to investigate, but they will need help, so there is were we go in." She said to her friends

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The unicorn's brow knitted together as she watched Thunder get to her hooves, her purple eyes aglow in the dark. The mare was more resilient than she had origanally thought. . In all fairness this mare was none the least entertaining to watch if not a bit intrusive. What a shame it was, to mark up such an endearing face. If only she had learned her lesson the first time. Thus, this seemed like not the case. How easy it would be to toy with Zed's emotions if his sweet little distraction was gone?Such a nuisance. Perhaps she would test it.


~A shrill hissing whistled through the air as the tendrils nearing Thunder disintegrated. The black mass surrounding Zed writhed angrily about him. They did not like this pony. They did not like her one bit. She shouldn't be here. Why was she here?! A plague! A plague she was. Oh, how lovely it would be if she vanished. You...ne-...ed to...eave. The disembodied voice hissed in Thunder's ear. Though it sounded a bit weaker than before. You...will hurt...him!~

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Solar flinched when yet another torrent of flames tried to envelop them, and he dove a bit out of the way. Luckily, Gale was able to block a large portion of the flames, but not without a few burns all over his body. This was dangerous. Horribly dangerous. If they didn't get Zed to snap out of his trance, then they would all be dead. "Zed!" He called out, the pain clear in the Alicorn prince's voice. "Listen to him! We're not just going to use you like everyone else. We care about you because you are our family!" He scrambled to his feet and approached the brainwashed young man. "And it's because we care that we're here now, and we'll stop at nothing to save you."




Zed continued struggling against the tendrils covering his entire body, but still to no avail. Suddenly, he saw Thunder get up... with an expression that he had never before seen on her face. Her eyes were even glowing just like his did whenever strong emotions began to take over. It was easy to tell she was angry... but it was not easy to believe. He had never seen this sort of spark in Thunder's eyes before...

His attention then turned to the giant screen that displayed what was currently happening in reality. Upon hearing Gale's question, Zed's heart began to sink and yet another wave of melancholy began to wash over him. Then he saw Solar running up to him, speaking words that made the boy's chest ache even more. He opened his mouth to scream out an answer, but a mass of tendrils wrapped around his face, covering his mouth completely and cutting off his words.




Zed's cruel grin twisted into a hard scowl of frustration as the torrent of flames were blocked yet again, his fists clenching hard. However, he stopped a bit when he heard Gale's question, the flame on his hand disappearing. He looked with confusion as the white Alicorn boldly approached him. Hearing what they both said, his fists became unclenched for a moment, and his eyes seemed to snap back into reality. "I..." He started, almost sounding as if his voice were back to normal... before suddenly snapping back into his hypnotized state. "I want this!" He growled. Clenching his fists again, he delivered a powerful kick to Solar's head, sending the Alicorn spiraling into the stone wall. The cruel smirk returned to Zed's lips as he watched his body go limp. "That's very touching and all..." He said, his knuckles cracking. "But you might as well give up. Zed is completely under the Mistress's control, and there is nothing you can do about it. Now..." He turned to Gale, before swinging a punch in his direction. "You are starting to get on my nerves!"

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Brave, seeing lullaby not listening to direct orders, approached her "you can be angry all you want but...." he started as his horn glowed

"You can't be here anymore" he then teleported her and thunder outside in the everfree where they're were no changelings

In the light she could see that he still had been effected by the flames even after putting up a shield

His normally white fur was grey in spots where he had still been burned


Thunder gritted her teeth and yelled at the voice

"ME HURT HIM....YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!!" She then took a few more steps forward her fur starting to ripple with energy

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Realizing that Zed is coming at him with a punch while he is surrounded by the others... he had to accept the amount of healing he's been given after Brave sent her off...
So, he stepped forward immediately to take the punch.
"I suppose I need to--" He had been struck hard in the face. His head moved his body a bit as his head had been flung back violently by the force of Zed's punch.
He groaned a bit. Gale hadn't felt a hard punch like that in a while, but it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to hurt.
"... I suppose... I need to dig deeper..." He spat a bit of blood on the side.
"We know you really don't want this. You're family, no matter what. If I have to die to prove my point, then do your worst! Because I'll still love you, damn it!"
His idle body started to surge up as it succumbs to the passive fury of lightning and energy.
"Do you love me, your uncle who loves you?" He exclaimed. "Do you accept me, do you accept your family? Do you even accept yourself?!"

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Lullaby blinked once outside everfree!

"Heeeeyyyy!!!" She yelled from outside, then made a camp to protect Thunder


Luna sighed at what Brave did, then brought the shield down, ready to fight.

Darky also got ready.




Chrysalis turned around. "Discord..." She said as she felt her presence.




Twilight stood up. "Alright girls. Lets go!" She said as she and Spike lead her friend to the Everfree to help the others

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~ The tendrils hissed and chirred as Thunder advanced closer. She did not stop. She would not stop! It angered them greatly.

"Ya, know you're starting were out your welcome." The mysterious filly said appearing in front of Thunder. She seemed different than before. There wasn't any mischief or innocence in her eyes. She only stared at the taller mare. Her haunting lavender eyes yielding only that of a dark promise. Her voice was threateningly calm.~

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Solar's eyes flickered open and he groaned in pain, his head pounding heavily. All of what Gale had said was lost upon him, considering that the young prince was in too much of a daze to hear and understand what was going on. After about thirty seconds though, he was once again beginning to comprehend what was happening. I don't believe I've ever heard Gale say that he loved Zed... He thought. Of course, it was obvious that Gale cared deeply for the boy, so hearing the Duke say the phrase was not too much of a surprise to him. To Zed, though, he couldn't be sure...




Zed continued squirming within the mass of tendrils, his cries muffled by the appendages wrapped around his throat and mouth. He watched as Thunder's fur began to ripple with energy as she continued approaching, which was... not something he had ever seen before. He thrashed about as the filly appeared in front of the mare, but it seemed that the more he squirmed, the more the magic tightened around him. All he could do was sit there and listen to Gale's words, unable to respond. The words the boy wanted to say falling on deaf ears, and only escaping in the form of an unresponsive tear that rolled down his cheek. Using as much strength as he could muster up, he ripped one of his arms free, only to have it once again trapped within the mass of writhing tentacles.




Zed blinked in confusion and staggered backwards, his eyes once again flashing back to normal. The cruel expression disappeared from his face only to be replaced by a look of fear, yet a look that held more love than anything else. He looked back at Gale for a moment. "I... I do... I-I love..." Suddenly, his eyes flashed back, and the cruel expression returned once again. Only this time, it was even more frustrated. He needed to get away from this group as quickly as possible. If they keep speaking their pathetic words of encouragement, then there would be a chance that the real Zed could regain control... And the Mistress would not be pleased about that...

"Enough of this!" He roared, before suddenly leaping up, his body seeming to drill through the rock on the cave roof. Within less than a few seconds, he was outside of the cave, standing on the top. It was almost night out, and the air had grown noticeably cooler. Of course, that didn't matter now. With speed faster than any of them could follow, he shot past Lullaby and into the Everfree, on his way to Ponyville.

Sorry, Mistress... But I have to expand the distance for a moment. I hope you don't mind.~

Within a minute or so, he reached Ponyville, but immediately screeched to a stop when he saw the Mane Six headed straight toward him. Well... I guess we're doing this, now.




Applejack nodded and followed the rest of them out of the town. However, before they could even reach the forest line, Zed shot out of it in a blur, coming to a stop a few yards from them. "Wait... Zed's right there!" She said, before getting a better look at him. "Wait a minute, girls... that ain't Zed." She said, going into a rather defensive stance.

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Brave was watching the forest on guard for any enemy when he heard some rocks explode from the ground a ways away

He stood up ready to see what it was when a blur flew past them causeing braves wings to catch the shift in the wind and sent him flying into a tree

Brave slowly got up but had a gash on his head that was bleeding over his eye

"OW! Lullaby, did you get a good look at what that was?" He asked as he swayed a bit

Hinting at an obvious concussion


Thunder looked at the filly with interest "and what makes you think you haven't over stayed your welcome either?" She asked getting in the fillies face "cause unlike you I'm not attacking him"


Rainbow had stopped right behind apple jack almost flying right into her

"Hay! What gives......." She then listened to what apple jack said before saying "are you sure....it looks a lot like him, and I don't think changelings can copy angels" she then turned to twilight "right?"

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Zed left in utter confusion. It got on his nerves... but it's clear that he can't help him. Only Thunder could really hit the nail on this one... if only she could wake up.

Gale's surge died, his hair receded. He groaned in annoyance. He was hurt, but not badly, so he could still move just fine, though he needed to sit down.

"Thunder needs to be awake." He said to the group, as he sat down for a moment to catch a bit of breath. "She has to wake up... only she can help him... I got to confuse him twice already. If Thunder tries to convince him like I did, she'll do more of an impact to him than we could do together... I think."





Rarity was following her friends, she noticed the figure standing before them... it was Zed, but...

"Oh, dear!" She yelped in fright. "He looks terrible!"

She panicked for a moment. "Chrysalis has done something to him!"

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Lullaby gasped after seeing Brave like that and rushed to his side. "I didn't saw what it was. I think it was a rock." She said a bit worried as she used her magic to close the wound and stop the bleeding. She then took some bandages from her saddlebags and used them to make sure he was fine.


Darky and Luna were inside the caves until they noticed what Gale said.

"Darky, cover me while I try to wake her up!" Luna said as she grabbed Thunder and took her to a side of the cave to see if she could wake her up.


Darky nodded and followed her. He got ready to defend her from Zed as he put away his sword and just raised his shield, casting some spells in it.




Chrysalis sighed. "Discord. Show yourself..." She said as she stood up. "Or I'll do it myself." She said as her horn glowed.




Twilight looked a bit startled by what they just saw. "Zed..." She said, then turned to her friends. "We need to hurry!" She said as she started running towards where they saw Zed.

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HooDoo frowned as she felt the ever so light tug on the magical tethers. Zed must've left the cave. That was fine she supposed, as long as he stayed within range the connection would hold together.  She stayed quiet in her hiding spot, if Zed was gone then there was no stopping the others from further entering into th cave. She coudn't see a very bright future (for her anyways) if they found her. So, she would stay put, waiting and bidding her time until an opportunity came along for her to relocate. She could only hope that it would come soon.


~ The filly looked up to meet Thunder's eyes with her own, completely unaffected by the taller mare getting into her face. The only emotion that she held was that of mild annoyance and irritation. She did not like this mare. Never before had a pony entered into a mind that she was in. She didn't trust this mare. "Nope, not at all." She replied simply. "I was invited, unlike you." Her eyes narrowing a bit. "Can't you see you're not wanted?"


Pinkie followed the group, coming to a stop when the others did. "I think Rarity is right." She spoke up looking up at Zed. Something wasn't right. He did not seem like himself. Less Zedd-y than usual. "Something is definitely  off with him." She agreed. Yeesh! He was scary!

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Discord's chuckle filled the cave as the image of him disappeared. "Of course you wouldn't fall for that." Discord's voice echoed through the cave. His body suddenly sprouted out of ground right next to Chrysalis. "So why don't you give up there isn't any way you could win."

"What's wrong with him?" Fluttershy asked startled and almost afraid of Zed's appearance.

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Solar flinched when he suddenly felt the entire cave shake, seeing Zed practically drill his entire body through the roof of the cave. He didn't even hear Zed take off, but somehow he knew exactly what was happening. "Damn it! He's heading toward Ponyville! We need to stop him!" He yelled, before turning toward Gale. "But how are we going to wake her up? She's been completely unresponsive since... Damn it all, we'll figure it out on the way back." He said, turning back towards the entrance. "Right now, we need to reach him before somepony gets hurt. Will you be able to make it back withus, Gale?"




Zed glared at the six mares, giving a smirk at their confused looks. He stepped forward until he stood less than four feet from them. "Ah, this must be the Mane Six." He said, giving a light chuckle. "So, it seems you just couldn't make it in time to save your special angel friend. Now he has been manipulated, and used to lay waste to Equestria, starting with the small Ponyville." His chuckle turned into a wicked-sounding laugh. "What's wrong? Don't you like the new and improved me? No emotion, no flaws... and no holding back." He glanced up when he saw Twilight running toward him. Once she was close enough, Zed leapt into the air and stomped the ground, the ground below rippling in Twilight's direction. If the wave made contact, it would throw her back about twenty feet, leaving her in a daze. "Tsk tsk. How tragic. Having to attack the very same person you care so deeply for."




Applejack's eyes widened at his words, gritting her teeth as she saw the strange rocky wave surge toward Twilight. "You... what did you do to Zed?!" She demanded. She turned back towards the others. "We have to fight him... Someone try and talk sense into the boy!" She demanded, charging toward him.

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Brave gave her a smile

"How bad is it this time?" He asked lullaby with a smile


Thunder didn't change her expression

"Well you were lucky cause somepony forced me to be here" she said "so it must mean I'm needed her to help him" she then started to walk past the filly and more thindrils began to disintegrate


Inside zeds mind zeds true self was wrapped in thindrils being fed lies and deceit

It was to make sure he didn't fight by brain washing him and was working too till it all became white noise until silence

"Zed" a a powerful female voice said to him, this is the same voice that normally speaks to thunder

"You must consecrate your mind and use your imagination" she told him

The thindrils did not like this and forced themselves further into his ear to be heard better

"Thunder is strong here but she needs you to help her if you are to be freed before you hurt anymore of your friends"


Rainbow was already flying towards zed before apple jack could even finish her sentence and was hitting and kicking the angel but each hit didn't even faze him

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Gale got up. He appreciated Solar's concern, but he's had worse injury before than this to move.

"I'm hurt, but it can't hurt anymore to fly and fight further." He said. "As for Thunder... true, we've no idea how she got into this state. We need to find the source of Zed's mind controller, Chrysalis may have done this herself, but  I doubt it... her mind control power doesn't involve this sort of... violence. No, it has to another pony. We need to find that one. Meanwhile, Zed's gone somewhere to cause trouble... probably somewhere close. Ponyville."

He started to look around the caves. "Not that I don't want to help stop Zed, but if I keep trying to intervene, he'll just kill me and keep going. I need to find the source immediately... perhaps it had Thunder in this state as well. Who knows?"

He looked at the group. "If I go alone through these caves, while the rest of you go after Zed, stalling or breaking his spell... we may find a way to stop him with two possibilities. Up to you, Solar. You're in charge."

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Darky turned around and noticed Zed had stopped for a moment. It was still a bit far from ponyville. Why did he... wait.

"We need to hurry! Celestia might had sent Twilight and her friends!" Darky said as he turned around and flew as fast as he could.


Luna heard what he said and started flying behind him. "Lets go everypony!" She said to them. They had no time to waste, they had to help them if she sent them to help.


Lullaby turned to Brave. "Pretty bad, but nothing I can't take care of." She said as her horn glowed to lower the pain and close the wounds, also taking out her medical stuff to heal him properly.




Chrysalis looked at Discord as he appeared beside her. She didn't paid that much attention and gave a step to a side. "Surrender?" She started laughing. "Oh, you should  be the ones doing it. You see, Zed is back on the game and against you. I doubt there is much you can do to stop him." She said smirking to Discord. "How about, you join the winning side?" She asked as she turned around. "That way, I will tell Zed to spare you and you will have your reward." She added with a soft smirk.




Twilight noticed that he made some sort of spell and she jumped, then flew up to avoid the attack but having to stop her charge. "He is too strong. Be careful!" She said to her friends as she saw Rainbow attack him and do nothing.

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~A flash of scowl appeared on the filly's face a Thunder moved past her. However, as soon as it was there it was gone, reverting back to her original emotionless self. How irritating. She disappeared into thin air almost as if she was never there. "That is far enough." Her voice was a venomous hiss as she reappeared in front of Thunder. A thin yet sturdy tendril whipped its self around Thunder's front left hoof. The filly's eyes burned with anger and held a malicious promise. "Just get OUT!"~


Pinkie charged with the rest of the group. This was Zed? It looked like him and sort of sounded like him but, there was something not quite right. Maybe it was the way he talked or that spooky evil laugh just now. Oh! Maybe a haircut? Nope, not it.

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"The last time someone offered me to betray my friends they ended up getting tossed around by a pretty purple princess." He said putting emphasis on the p's, hinting at the events with Tereke. He snapped his fingers and conjured a table, two chairs and a tea set. "But since the topic is up in the air let's talk about this 'reward'." He said pulling a chair out for Chrysalis to sit.

Fluttershy shuttered and began to shy away from Zed. When her friends charged she faked a smile. "Well, It looks like you guys have everything covered, if you need me I'll be behind these bushes."

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Solar listened intently to Gale's words, nodding in understanding, even though he was still a bit surprised. This entire time, he had been under the impression that Chrysalis was the one that had hypnotized him! But considering that Gale knew her longer than he did, the young prince knew better than to doubt his words. "Possibly..." He said, gently rubbing the back of his head. His body still hurt from when Zed struck him into the wall. "All right, if you think that this is the work of another pony, then I do believe your idea is the best way to go. Just..." He paused for a moment. "We might need you, if things go south." With that, he ran off with everyone else to follow Zed.




Zed squeezed his eyes shut, the tainted voices echoing lies throughout his mind, and most of which he started to believe... much to his utter dismay. His eyes snapped open when he suddenly heard a voice in his head, telling him to... use his imagination? He screamed out in pain when the tendrils forced themselves deeper into his ears, the ominous whispers gradually getting louder in his mind. "It... it's no use..." He said softly. "Thunder needs to get out of here... it's too dangerous for her!" He covered his ears and clenched his teeth, feeling as if he were beginning a slow descent into insanity.




Zed smiled evilly as Rainbow Dash began swinging wildly at him, but he blocked every single blow with so much ease and mobility, that it would seem as if he were not even trying. "Hard to believe such a powerful being would value such weak and worthless life forms such as yourselves." He said, before grabbing Rainbow Dash by the throat, squeezing tightly. He noticed Pinkie running toward them, and shook his head. "The ignorance of some ponies..." With that, he charged at her and kicked the mare in the face, executing the attack perfectly so that she would fly toward Rarity. He continued choking Rainbow Dash, a deep scowl on his face. "Any closer, and I'll snap her neck!" He growled.




Applejack screeched to a stop in front of the angel, her eyes widening with worry as she saw him grasping Rainbow Dash by the neck. "Wait! Stop!" She said to the others, slowly backing up to gain some distance. "Zed... please... it's us! Stop this! Look at yourself, you're hurting your best friends! This isn't you!" She yelled, a tear streaming down her face.

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thunder pulled her hoof away from the thindrel

it severed itself and smaked the filly accrossed the face


when the filly looked back at thunder she was meet by a buck to the face




brave sat there patiently as lullaby healed him

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"I'll come back to you. Good luck." He said, then he immediately flew off further into the random halls of the Changelings. Looking at everything they've constructed, it may take a bit of time to figure out the ways. Luckily for him, he has wings to help him speed things up. He figured he must try the hallways with the most soldiers, as it could lead the way to the main room or the source. So, he tried. He looked around the hallways, looking for the most soldiers. He found a lot of guards in a hallway, and went through that way. He charged up his fore hooves to act as a defibrillator when it touches other things. He touched as many guards as he could, shocking them one by one. with most of them knocked out, and turned back to finish off what's left, so they wouldn't give him any trouble from behind. He resumed course and found another hallway with the most guards. He did the same thing, it was draining him a bit, but nothing he couldn't handle.

By the fifth time, he found a big doorway. It looked intimidating. "Gotcha."

He turned backside to buck the door open in one swift, hard strike. When the doors had burst open, he stepped in immediately. Inside, there is an alcove. That's weird... he thought he'd find Chrysalis and the source in some main room, but he decided to enter. After all... there's one surprised mocha-colored mare in here. All these guards for her? She must be involved.

He approached her, but not too close that she could do anything sneaky against him. He glared sharply into her lavender-colored eyes with a grim look, doing his best to stab her confidence.

"Are you responsible for what's to Zed?" He said, in a low, cold voice. Electricity surrounding him like an aura. "And Thunder? Speak now, or that surprised expression of yours will turn horrified instantly... you have 2 seconds to respond. Starting now."

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