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Duley noted. Original Post Edited. And im not aqbout to read Rarities New Dress. If I know anything from Cupcakes, though, its that it probably has to do with Rarity making a dress from pony hide.

Read the synopsis someone had, it is essentially cupcakes with Rairty playing the role of Pinkie, Fluttershy playing the role of Dash, and Spike playing the role of Applebloom. In short, another story trying to ride the Cupcakes bandwagon tying to generate outrage.

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Faith in humanity: Lost. :scream:

Well I won't even attempt to describe Sweet Apple Massacre then. :/

But there you go, what I hate in this fandom are stories like these, it honestly makes me want to throw up more arms sometimes and say "DONE!" with all of the fandom and just enjoy the show in isolated or with a few trusted friends. If it wasn't for places like this, I may have already done so (had to be talked out of quitting the fandom back in February once).

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I don't see why some get so mad on it; I hate all kids of junk I for one hate the way ever one ships ever living thing on to one other. But it never makes me so mad I want to jump off the ship.

But I'm a gore fan, and to be fare not ever one is. I just think it's silly to hate some thing to the pint of "throw up more arms sometimes and say "DONE!"" but that's just my views. and on the side I never new you guys hated us Grimdark makers. Not all of us make Cupcakes take a look at Fallout: Equestria and My Little Metro they are Grimdark but tones love'em.

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Oh, I don't hate them all. Fallout: Equestria is one of my favorite stories, acctually. I just hate the ones that go "LOL WE UZE MAINN CHARACTR 2 MRDR OTHR MAINN CHRCTR!" and other pointless excuses to ruin people fun. if the gore fits into the story, I don't mind it. If the gore IS the story, I wont touch it with a 10 foot pole.

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I just hate the ones that go "LOL WE UZE MAINN CHARACTR 2 MRDR OTHR MAINN CHRCTR!"

Well I don't do that, I view it as seasoning. A lone it can't hold up; but with the mane dish it can give it that kick you wanted. :smug:

Talking of seasoning one of you want to give seasoned Biceps femoris a go? :mad:

And on the side. swords don't go SchhhWiiiing! They just don't! ug, I hate how never one thinks that.

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Things Diego Hates: Episode 1

The word is addictive. ADDICTIVE. Addicting is not a word! Seriously, if you ever say "addicting" in my presence I swear to whatever god you believe in: I WILL END YOU!



ad·dict (-dkt)

tr.v. ad·dict·ed, ad·dict·ing, ad·dicts

1. To cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit-forming substance: The thief was addicted to cocaine.

2. To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively: The child was addicted to video games.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

both are right :mad:

on a related note





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Things I hate, eh?

1) Improper grammar and spelling (including excessive L33T-speak). It just really gets on my nerves

If it was a mistake, then it's cool, but when someone uses improper spelling and grammar, especially when there's a spell-check function, it really ticks me off.

2) Intolerance. Especially regarding racism and discrimination.

3) People who hate the show, and have never seen it. This one sort of goes with number 2.

4) Certain kinds of shipping. I understand when characters seem to have chemistry, and it hasn't been confirmed in the show yet, but when people take it overboard, then I have a problem.

And I do believe that's all on my hate-list.

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hi hi

I just hope y'all don't let all this here hate and bitterness turn yerselves into wicked mares/stallions of darkness and all that. The way I figures it, ain't no point in gettin all bent outta shape bout it, not unless y'all are findin some way to make it better.

Also, sometimes improper grammar and spelling is used intentionally to set a tone of speech, as noted above. With the proper context, I don't mind L33T speak or the like, but it certainly isn't something to use in standard conversation.

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Dusty. Your little flags? They scare me. Now then, wheres my Reddit-Aproved Mandatory Gas Can and Matchbook?

I don't bite... often... usually... sometimes... actually, you might want to keep your distance.

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OH! I came up with even more to add to my hate list.

Ah hate: the rich, that fat guy that sits next to you ever time you get on a bus, that girl that never gets off her cell as she drives, hangovers, baths, sea food, chickens, over cooked food (I like me meet raw as can be!), vegetables, fruits and vegetarians. :smug:

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hi hi

I just hope y'all don't let all this here hate and bitterness turn yerselves into wicked mares/stallions of darkness and all that. The way I figures it, ain't no point in gettin all bent outta shape bout it, not unless y'all are findin some way to make it better.

Also, sometimes improper grammar and spelling is used intentionally to set a tone of speech, as noted above. With the proper context, I don't mind L33T speak or the like, but it certainly isn't something to use in standard conversation.

Nahh, I am still pretty chill, doing my silly happy poni pictures of cuteness, and occasional ship. -_-

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