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[Feedback Thread] Need some application help? Post Here!

Vinyl Scratch

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It has come to my understanding that many apps in the application forum, have been nearly rejected on terms of feedback, I personally think that there should be more users active on the app forums, it helps people applying know what they need to change/keep. My Fluttershy app has been sitting around without more than one reply. Im not doing this simply because I want feedback, but I think everypony should get more.

If you're with me on the subject of feedback, I say we turn this topic into a "Post a link to your app for feedback" kind of topic. It would help many users, and I think it would be fun as well! Tell me what you think :D

EDIT: We have a review crew! Well, a start of one at least, just say if you're interested or not :D

"Review Crew:" (Forum Names)

Vinyl Scratch

Phil the Time Wizard

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Yeah. I know it kind of makes me apprehensive when I put up a new app and nopony say anything about for a while. :oops:

Yet I only rarely ever post in the apps forum. I don't know. I just kind of feel like I'd be overstepping my bounds if I said too much about apps, like saying too much would be interfering with the staff's hard work. :unsure:

I guess I really could try and do more. :blush:

Though part of your problem is that Mane Cast apps take considerably longer to get approved than OC apps. It took over a week for my Gilda app to get approved when I applied for her, and I didn't even have any competition to deal with. :?:

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actually, I've noticed this to. I've still yet to make an application, but every so often I like to look around there to see what kind of characters people make. I never leave comments because most people seem to write huge stories and I don't read them all the way through XD I'm just there for the art.

but I do notice that some apps have TONNES of comments, while some don't get any, and I always feel bad for those people :(

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Personally, I refrain from commenting on other members' applications. Most RP sites that I have been a part of usually frown on ordinary members performing such actions. I do agree though that some apps do tend to receive more attention while others...do not. I dunno though, people have lives outside the forum and I'm sure the staff have plenty of other responsibilities to attend to so I'm not one to complain. :/

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Awesome! So does anyone want this to be a small group for anypony to post apps for some feedback? I think it could help a lot! I'll edit the title now :3

Who wants to be a part of the group?

Of course it wouldn't be a forced thing, you won't have to give feedback if you don't have the time, but if you feel like you want to, and you have the time, why not give some friendly advice?

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It's perfectly okay for other users to give feedback! :)

Just remember, feedback that's not from a staff member is a suggestion, rather than something you should do. There's a reason why people were chosen to be staff, it's because they know what they're doing. Of course, I've seen many users who give excellent advice about applications as well.

What I mean is, if it doesn't come from a staff member, it's not something that you have to change or edit. However, other users may still give good critique and help to expand your character.

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To add to what Tales said, showing this kind of initiative and being active in the ways you're suggesting is a good way to gain Admin attention in a positive way.

Of course, we can't make any promises, but generally if/when a staff position were to open up, we'd of course be looking to see who's actively using their noodle to improve the board. :smirk:

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It's perfectly okay for other users to give feedback! :)

Just remember, feedback that's not from a staff member is a suggestion, rather than something you should do. There's a reason why people were chosen to be staff, it's because they know what they're doing. Of course, I've seen many users who give excellent advice about applications as well.

What I mean is, if it doesn't come from a staff member, it's not something that you have to change or edit. However, other users may still give good critique and help to expand your character.

Yup :) Of course we won't be forcing any app changes, that wouldn't exactly be friendly advice :D instead, we'll be (to put it simply) offering advice and some critique to anypony's app. As to give them some knowledge as to what they're doing right or maybe even what they're doing wrong, we'll be as professional as possible and give the best advice we can :D

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