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Sulvuss...don't be sad, dude.


...stop crying or I will....I WILL...


Hey, Tenkan. Are you a fan of silent ponyvill. Because-you properly saw it-doing a cover for the reunion version that on equesterian daily and deviant art. I am not sure if the design looks any good though. Really like an opinion on it.

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Hey, Tenkan. Are you a fan of silent ponyvill. Because-you properly saw it-doing a cover for the reunion version that on equesterian daily and deviant art. I am not sure if the design looks any good though. Really like an opinion on it.

I saw the draft you put on DeviantArt and I must say it looks very awesome, and very terrifying.

Those poor ponies, dude! All morphed up into each other like that, hah. xD

Very nice. :D

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I saw the draft you put on DeviantArt and I must say it looks very awesome, and very terrifying.

Those poor ponies, dude! All morphed up into each other like that, hah. xD

Very nice. :D

Thank you. Its actually one pony but he has many faces, plus that butterfly in the middle is the element of harmony-since the pony is actually fluttershy dad in the story line-thanks. I tried to follow the feel of Francis bacon, that dude pictures are dark.

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Conor is here!

And he is about to say something interesting!

Let's see what he's gonna say!

Where? I don't see him!

jIH DIchDaq jatlh Dochmey Daq vay' Hol jIH neH

What the he-NNNNGGGGGG!

Thank you. Its actually one pony but he has many faces, plus that butterfly in the middle is the element of harmony-since the pony is actually fluttershy dad in the story line-thanks. I tried to follow the feel of Francis bacon, that dude pictures are dark.



*Drops on the ground*

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Where? I don't see him!

What the he-NNNNGGGGGG!



*Drops on the ground*

Uh. Yeah. Her dad is actually one pony. But francis bacon art is what was used as inspiration for silent hill two-the master piece of horror games and one of the reason the franchise is so popular-so I thought it would be a good idea to follow one of his feels and he typically draws human in monstrous way, one gallery he did was of faces but he would distort them and shape in a way that it would be disturbing. It was originally going to be the pony in his original state but his face gets more monstrous as it goes up-representing the inner demons he has inside but I decided that looked bad for this type of cover and that simply using different faces to express his pent up emotions would be best. Plus I wanted to keep it somewhat my own and not copy him outright-

her dad is the main character in this book.

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Uh. Yeah. Her dad is actually one pony. But francis bacon art is what was used as inspiration for silent hill two-the master piece of horror games and one of the reason the franchise is so popular-so I thought it would be a good idea to follow one of his feels and he typically draws human in monstrous way, one gallery he did was of faces but he would distort them and shape in a way that it would be disturbing. It was originally going to be the pony in his original state but his face gets more monstrous as it goes up-representing the inner demons he has inside but I decided that looked bad for this type of cover and that simply using different faces to express his pent up emotions would be best. Plus I wanted to keep it somewhat my own and not copy him outright-

her dad is the main character in this book.

Aaah, I see.

I can't wait to see it done! :D

ghobe' quv vo' jIH 'oH pa' vo' naDev

*Runs off to hide behind a large rock*

No, you foolish foal--gah!

*Changes to the fetal position*

My ever-so-tolerant brain...can barely tolerate such utter nonesenseness!!!!

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Am Hungry.

Remedy this issue, hands!

*goes to fridge*

EDIT: Also I think that's enough with the wacky speechy things. Pretty sure there's a rule about it.

Though I will admit I was the first to be guilty of it all xD


Oh silly Magi.

You still don't realize, do you?

You've fallen down the rabbit hole, my friend.

There ARE no rules here. Only... TEA.

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Oh silly Magi.

You still don't realize, do you?

You've fallen down the rabbit hole, my friend.

There ARE no rules here. Only... TEA.

*Raises head with hope*


*Reaches hoof out to Fawkes*

...Fawkes...m-my friend...g-give me t-t-teeaaaa!

I-It can save me!!

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Canterlot is being troublesome with the servers and DNS. My Rarity application would have been deleted, had I not had the foresight to save it elsewhere. Your move, Canterlot. <3

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Oh silly Magi.

You still don't realize, do you?

You've fallen down the rabbit hole, my friend.

There ARE no rules here. Only... TEA.

*sips at stolen tea*

and yet you don't even have THAT, my friend.

Even an entity such as I, Imagination, have rules. My rules? There are no rules.

'Cept... you know... the ones some Artax guy or whatever his name is says I have to obey...

No biggie...

*sees Artax's shadow looming over and ducks into a cardboard box, hiding in the land of make-believe*

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Only certain ponies matter here, it's been stated before :) That's quite alright though, as I know that despite their claims Fawkes and Appliance know I matter on some level. And if they don't, I know I matter. And that's what matters.

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*pokes head out of his box*

Pfft, well I may as WELL be a God. I mean you're all pretty much subject to the imagination, seeing as your personalities have been forged by a mysterious and either dashingly handsome or mindbogglingly beautiful human creator.

Which means, if I wanted to, I could possibly bend several of you to my will!

But I won't. Cuz I don't want noone to call my bluff and make me get all embarrassed and look like a fool and have to hide until it all blows over and I can try and act all tough again but by then it's just rinse and repeat...


*hides in box again and goes back to the land of make-believe*

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*pokes head out of his box*

Pfft, well I may as WELL be a God. I mean you're all pretty much subject to the imagination, seeing as your personalities have been forged by a mysterious and either dashingly handsome or mindbogglingly beautiful human creator.

Which means, if I wanted to, I could possibly bend several of you to my will!

But I won't. Cuz I don't want noone to call my bluff and make me get all embarrassed and look like a fool and have to hide until it all blows over and I can try and act all tough again but by then it's just rinse and repeat...


*hides in box again and goes back to the land of make-believe*


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I apologize Noah, you're correct. Thank you for being strong when I was weak <3

Also Fawkes, have you heard the Bill Cosby versions of "Tank" for Cowboy Bebop and the Pokemon Intro?

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Zip zop, zoobity bop!

Ignoring me again with your Cosby-jabber are you?!

Well take this!!!

*Pokes head and hooves out of the box, one hoof holding a plastic lightning bolt while the other holds a Fawkes action figure. He proceeds to mash the contents of his hooves together, shooting a glare at the real Fawkes*

Take that!

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