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Ignoring me again with your Cosby-jabber are you?!

Well take this!!!

*Pokes head and hooves out of the box, one hoof holding a plastic lightning bolt while the other holds a Fawkes action figure. He proceeds to mash the contents of his hooves together, shooting a glare at the real Fawkes*

Take that!

*Rolls a Hot Wheels at the Fawkes figure*

The amusing part is I really do have a box of Hot Wheels here with me.

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This site is so odd. I had two avatars going for the past hour: Crowned Celestia after I posted and on my profile, sleepy Celestia on smaller images such as who posted last in a thread on the main page. I switch sizes, and they all convert to the singular avatar. I switched back because Trilobite said this was the cutest Celestia he'd ever seen :P

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Alright :)

*places said button beside me and enjoys a tea blend of jasmine and lotus*

Imagination, I'm curious. If I'm featured in the group portrait, have I presented any problems with my lack of consistency in representations of myself? :P

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Anypony, or draconequus as the case may be, will earn my eternal disappointment and sadness should they try any subversion related to this button at my expense. Quite thankfully, I don't style myself a god.

Hey guys. Can we have animations as our logos?

Because if we can I might as well make one now that I am on a break.

If we can't, my Pinkie has been breaking the rules at 58 circles per minute for a long time now. And hello Rock.

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Anypony, or draconequus as the case may be, will earn my eternal disappointment and sadness should they try any subversion related to this button at my expense. Quite thankfully, I don't style myself a god.

If we can't, my Pinkie has been breaking the rules at 58 circles per minute for a long time now. And hello Rock.

Right. Can't believe I forgot that wasn't animated. My head isn't in the room right now clearly.

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Alright :)

*places said button beside me and enjoys a tea blend of jasmine and lotus*

Imagination, I'm curious. If I'm featured in the group portrait, have I presented any problems with my lack of consistency in representations of myself? :P

I dunno xD

I haven't been working on it lately because I've been home since Tuesday for a wake, so people have time if they want to message me with how they want to be depicted. Pic itself will be a bit late, though. Was hoping to have it done in time for Valentines day.

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I dunno xD

I haven't been working on it lately because I've been home since Tuesday for a wake, so people have time if they want to message me with how they want to be depicted. Pic itself will be a bit late, though. Was hoping to have it done in time for Valentines day.

Don't worry, I remember your situation. It was just an interesting thought I had since I'm nowhere near consistent, though I may usually appear as I do now after last night's decision.

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