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Desperate times indeed. Desperate times indeed...

Raised by your typical buffalo parents and instilled with typical buffalo morals of honor, loyalty, and stampeding, Little Strongheart is your typical buffalo calf. Unfortunately, she lost her parents at a very young age and is now raised by the entire tribe. From a young age, Strongheart was an outgoing and easily lovable calf, easily ensnaring the heart of all who laid eyes on her. As she grew up, Strongheart was very much a little gumshoe, always finding problems and doing her best to fix them, fair and square. Strongheart is concerned with rationally dealing with situations that require some delicate attention and fairness. She is a voice of reason when things get heated. Little Strongheart has always been the runt of the Buffalo litter, which forced her to develop skills other than sheer strength to help her in times of need. She is recognized as one of the fastest and most acrobatically enabled buffalo in the tribe. She looks up to her uncle, Chief Thunderhooves and hopes that one day she can be the first female Chief since Running Mountain, who passed away over a hundred years ago.

Edited by BrawnyBoulder
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