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A small fan fic by sulvuss, I would appreciate it if you all read this

My Little Pony: Adventures with joy: Stop Screaming

The ever lasting peace of equesteria was one riddled with the love and tolerance of many mares, stallions and fillies alike. This was a place that one could easily find comfort in. The rainbows were long and the colours were bright in the sky. The lbue of the sky was bright, vibrant and easily filled iwth the long reaching arms of comfort that were the rays that extended from the suns ample frame, peircing the clouds that dared stand in its way and thus removing all grey from the world above that day, leaving only the small hints of cream cotten candy flock to linger in the sky in seperate and lonely droves while the gracing arua of the ocean up above beamed at those below, kissing everything from the smallest of ants to the biggest of buildings in a earthly and peaceful glow.

Wrte hldri es

There are many interesting places in equsteria, there are many interesting people and many wonderful and enchanting moments as well as uplifting stories to be told in such a land, but today we are not visiting canterlot, manhatten or the rural areas and not even the dark but mysterious forever free forest but rather a timid town that lies in the side lines of a wood, nuzzling apple acre like a child in its presence within it that is commonly known as pony vile. This story all resides in a library, a tree out grown with a head that is starting to shed its hair which has now turn brown, red and more fragile when losing its flocks of leafs to the whims of age, time and air, there was no such thing as breeze that day, just a simple detachment from the wood as it lingers like a feather in a swaying motion to the crowd, mounding up with its family, making new ways for the trees branches for a set of more healthier leafs.

The tree it self was an oak one, its windows were a delightful shades of green, one that was just between white that was mixed in shades although had little imposing girth yet the odd and unique sensual tint was more than enough to grabs ones attention. Insidethis buidling there was gray, wonderful gray. The gray was everywhere, the gray coloured the flaws as they were concrete and the shelfs were dusty, un-filled and left spaceless but with only a small linger black shadow that shifted and lurked within the very deepest segments of the funiture and walls, like a cowering puppy that was too scared to be in open space. The air was still, there wasn't a breeze, there wasn't a nudge, one could not even feel the or hear the tiniest hint of an invisible force moving within this place, it was charmingly peaceful and one was left with thier thoughts.


Within this gray, happy and joyous buidling there was a chair, it was an arm chair but thats all. There were no details, because it had none, just an arm chair. An arm chair...sitting alone...staring at the gray wall, with nothing near it. No indents, no sides, no gaps..no an arm chair...staring at the wall. There was also second floor and on this second flaw that was connected by a set of thick and big steps slept a pony. She was purple, she stood out of this place and she was disgustuing...absolutely ugly...disgusting and ugly....

ugly and she should be ashamed for not being gray.

So the pony was small and had a star on her flank, she had a cute face, she had a cute flank..she had cute eyes, which is true because as she tore her shamless eyes open she witnessed that today, was a gray day and there was no air yet she was breathing. She stayed there, her hooves over her blanket it and her lower ones tucked under gray sheets while she let her irises widen just a tad as she saw there were no books, there no colours but a single sound, the sound of pans being patted against concrete. As she lifted her ears in repsonse she geared her head around to look at the bottem floor "Spike.." Let out in a naive and ugly..digusting...pathetic voice...but it was cute, intelelctual tone. She slowly moved the sheets away and took a few trots to the side to let out a more louder but not overly noisy "Is that you spike?..." after recieiving only more sounds of cooking did she start to go down the stairs.

She saw the arm chair, the arm chair was facing away. The arm chair was facing away.

facing away....


facing away....

Twilight only let her face fall a little as she stared at the back of the arm chair.

Ysol hudid ei

As she started to take a few steps past it she noticed a small dragons back rubbing a pan against a cooking oven head. She stood there as he did not react to her presence "Spike...why is everything-" she was stopped as spike slowly started to turn around, what was once spike hinderous face has been replaced with a plastic bag that was now dripping with a sea of squiriming organism, it was hard to tell but brown liquid simply splat around and slwoly leaked out of the bags bottem in drips ,the palstic was shinning even without a light, reflecting small circles at a horiezental light source while a bunch of colourless materials wiggled with in its depths, his face throbbed for a second before simply replying

"don't look at me twilight.."in a casual tone. With that Twilights eyes widen, and widen some. Her iris extended, spread, grew in girth before a tiny crack crept upon the side and she started to violently scream "Celestia!" and with that her eyes suddenly just burst, shattering like glass everywhere and spraying about, clumsily dropping to the ground like snow flakes while other fell into the deep abyss of her sockets, all the time her screaming yelping into the distance.

"Stop screaming!

Stop screaming!

We were having a good time until you started screaming!" Shouted a famailair angelic voice in the distance.

its rude to stare. A;so..screaming is bad becauses it waste air..and when there is no air..thats just selfish.

I want my other beloved freinds to have a chance to see this.

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I have yet to read such a lengthy work of artistic genius, Sulvuss my good monsterman.

For I am currently running between classes and only have time enough to shout questions at Aria and wallow in the eternal searing sadness which is her everlasting hate for me.

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I have yet to read such a lengthy work of artistic genius, Sulvuss my good monsterman.

For I am currently running between classes and only have time enough to shout questions at Aria and wallow in the eternal searing sadness which is her everlasting hate for me.

I wrote what I see when I wacth mlp episodes in my room.

I hope you like it.

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So Fawkes?

We hadn't added each other for a while and we don't hate each other...

Me and Angie haven't added each other and we don't hate each other...

Hell me and Knight haven't added each other...and we defiently don't hate each other...

You're argument doesn't hold up buddy :/

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