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That was one hard test that didn't have anywhere near enough time. There is so much adrenaline pumping trough my body right now, that I can hardly type.

The animation?

Don't know, whatever it is you're working on.

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I used to be loved by many.... I used to make them laugh, and fill their hearts with joy...

One day, I decided to finally talk to them. And what happens then? Some of them get angry and call me names... stupid and retarted... offensive. They want my name changed, f-for me to go away for ever... I never meant to hurt anyone's feelings... I just don't know what went wrong...

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it... I didn't, I didn't mean to do anything wrong! I just... It's not my fault that I'm like this... It's not my fault that my eyes... just... happen to do this... I... I... I... I-I... It's... It's okay... no matter what... your always my best fans, and I love all of you... And I'm really glad that you're all here to support me... And... and... I mean... If my name's not okay... and, if, my eyes aren't okay... I... I am sorry... But just know no matter what, I'll always be in the background, waiting for you to see me...


I just... thank you, everypony... Thank you...

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