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Dear Esther

I’ve begun my voyage in a paper boat without a bottom; I will fly to the moon in it. I

have been folded along a crease in time, a weakness in the sheet of life. Now,

you’ve settled on the opposite side of the paper to me; I can see your traces in the

ink that soaks through the fibre, the pulped vegetation. When we become

waterlogged, and the cage disintegrates, we will intermingle. When this paper

aeroplane leaves the cliff edge, and carves parallel vapour trails in the dark, we will

come together.

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I know, right? Seemed like the type of thing you'd enjoy.

I did.

Strange ending.

And Some things didn't make a lot of sense.

And what makes it better, the guy/s who did it are helping with the "Sequel' (As in set in the same universe) To Amnesia the dark descent.

Its a machine.

A Machine for pigs.

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I thought that after a night I won't be able to keep up with this topic. But it seems it's not so demanding thankfully.

Seems that chaos and insanity are easily understandable. Oh, well...

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*looooooong, drawn out siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*

Even the newest members to our forever forsaken feasting table are noticing the changes...

The leveling out...

The running dry of the Font.

Fawkes busies himself with attending to... business... of the personal sort... for a couple of days... or weeks... and everything starts to fall into order.


Fawkes will fix this.

You wait and see, my dearest little ponies.

Let me see those glazies, so wide and pretty.

The Font will flow freely and the minds will brimeth over once more.

The Forest lives on.

And Fawkes reigns~

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Huzzah! And that is how you achieve what you want. Because you see, I know very well that if you'll try to implement harmony and order into something that is chaotic and unpredictable as default, it will only provoke things to become even more chaotic and weird. Ergo, I'm looking forward to seeing this, I'm looking forward. Somepony needs to poke your ego a bit :lol:

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Oh, I feel honored to hear that from you, Aria. And in some way appreciate your accurate responses and that "tiny" dose of well placed sarcasm.

On the other side now, I must admit Silver excels in spreading "random" chaos in my eyes.

Now, I wonder who'll take lead in more sophisticated one?

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Oh, I feel honored to hear that from you, Aria. And in some way appreciate your accurate responses and that "tiny" dose of well placed sarcasm.

On the other side now, I must admit Silver excels in spreading "random" chaos in my eyes.

Now, I wonder who'll take lead in more sophisticated one?

Perceptive as well. My my, I think I'll enjoy your stay here.

Also, the song I feel like singing today is:


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I could be better to be honest, But owell... Days like this, will happen. Sun will shine and clouds will float no matter what.

And Hello SilverSwirl. How are you doing?

*gets stuffed into a cannon and shot out then reappear out from his snow cloud, 5 minutes later

Thanks, I got in some nice ski practice before I crashed into a tree.

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My my, I think I'll enjoy your stay here.

Usually at your service. Maybe someday it'll become "always" if I'll be in mood.

Now, I'm locking myself within music boundaries and fake reality created by Linkin' Park songs, when we're all down to music already. Yes, I know this band is not too original, but my heart and face is saying "I don't care."

Leaving just a tight connection to this world, called posting, writing and studying.

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