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Oh how wondrous!

Happy day!

9 in 10 chance of a tornado hitting my city!~

Today you'll find Fawkes dancing in the violent winds, his hair whipped to and fro, atop the nearby parking garage, shouting challenges of dominance to Mother Nature as the sirens blare and the world around me cowers in their cozy little bunkers.

Today is a wondrous, happy day for Fawkes.

He once more gets to stare his mother in the eye, grin planted upon his lips~

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Flames and destruction? This sounds like my family grilling.

I feel I should just hug everyone, because this day is so bad that I cannot come up with anything more creative. This is grim... mental blockade...

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Isn't cruelty a matter of perception in the end? Moreover, I never denied you possibilities of interacting nor discussing. But, very well. If that is your wish, then you should know that my statement remains neutral towards the question: Denying those dreams wouldn't be cruelty if dreams would be worth denying themselves. Dreams or not, they are not allowed to be in conflict with dreams of others.

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"Ha", laugh the defeated ones.

Talking on the side, I'm trying to finish signature requested from VinylScratch, since he seems to be busy for now. Anybody up for rating it a bit?

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