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*stares at Volt*





*blinks twice*

*blinks thrice even!*

My dear, dear, dearest dearly beloved Volt~

It would seeeem... that by coincidence or perhaps cruel twist of fate... your home has been built smack dab in the middle of the Garden of the Lunatics.

The Den of Dementia.

The Modest Mooring of the Manics.

The Kingdom of the Madmen.

In other words... your rules are moot~ >:3

*horn glows*

*all five sides of Volt's abode are blown asunder*

Rules do not exist in this kingdom.

*floats in circles around Volt, upside down, sipping his drink*

Welcome to the Golden Road~

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Volt's user picture used to have volts of volting going in the background, but now it's just fluttershy not moving at all :l with no volting flashes. maybe it's just my compooper

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Know what'd be hiiiiiiiiARIOUS?

If Angie turned out to be a mouse.

Like, just a wee little white mouse.

Who lives in some family's house.

And she sneaks onto their computer when they aren't looking.

And goes on Canterlot to make pony friends.

And that picture of herself that she posted?

That was a picture of one of the girls that live in the house, which was saved on the computer.

Cuz Angie is really just a tiny little white mouse.

Who likes to eat cheeese.

And draw.

And surf the webs :3

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*wraps a hoof around Davvy's shoulder, nuzzling the top of his head while smiling at Conor* Such a good subject, you calmed down! As I was saying, you may join us for beer and... *glances down at Davvy* merriment.

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I uh...I'll just have a beer for now... :/

*Tentacle takes a beer out of the minibar*

*Proceeds to drink it, sits on the edge of the bed*

.....Define merriment if you would Aria?

*pops behind Conor, floating upside down still*

*whispers in his ear*


She wants you to show her your horn~ ;3

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*Listens to Fawkes calmly* Oh... if you say so...

*Digs up some dirt nearby and pulls out a pipe*

*Travels to nearest stone, raises it, and purchases a bit of tobacco from shopkeeper*

*Smacks pipe against stone, as it tried to bite me*

*Snaps fingers lighting the pipe, and smokes it upside down*

Worry not, dear Fawkes. I accommodate pretty quick. Alas, one of my many homes was destroyed.

*Grabs floating nearby piece of wood* Is it edible?

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*Stretches piece of wood and bends it, creating a lasso rope*

*Throws it underground catching Fawkes*

*Releases rope bringing him back*

Hold on there, little fella. If I'm already a bit lost, would you mind doing me a favor and moving me to where everyone are?

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*floats back around Volt*

Ahhhh, nooooow you're getting it, my dear pony!

On the Golden Road, you truly are!

*grabs a nearby piece of debris*

*crumbles a few bits of it into tea*

Of course it's edible!

Everything is edible! AND DELICIOUS!

The strawberries taste like strawberries!


Conor Colton tastes like chicken :I

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Conor Colton tastes like chicken :I

Jelly good job Mr. Fawkes. That caught me completely off guard.

*Sighs* I know where I am the same way I don't know where I am. Which means I fit in perfectly. Now, would you be so kind?

*Observes grass growing from sky*

*Steps inside of it to get out of it's way*

*Sneezes, turning nearby apple into an apple* Well?

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*contemplates Volt*

WELLLLL... I could take you into the middle of that imminent org--... merriment... get-together...

Or I could take you over to Angie the Mouse-Pony-Seacow and we could all sit and have a merry tea party and giggle while talking about ponies behind their backs~ :3

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