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*Rests elbows on table and falls through it* ...

*Stands up and takes place again, poking table* To come and think I fell into this... *Sighs*

*Observes Penumbra being dragged*

*Pulls out knife from right arm and throws it away, hitting random critters and healing them this way*

*Concentrates on tea, which seems to be only normal thing around, though probably isn't* Say, how long can my application stay in final stage? *Sighs*

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So soon unison will be upon us! There will be a banquet of rat, and the finest champagne! Hands will be padded and backs vigorously shook! This will most likely take place in old Penumbra's mind, you understand, but glorious it will be all the same!

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*pulls away for a brief moment, putting a hoof to her chin* I can't help but think I made a self-fulfilling prophecy earlier this afternoon. *shrugs and lifts Davroth with magic, smiling and scratching his horn from her dangling position*

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*Stands up and grabs umbrella off the hook*

*Opens it up and finds himself under waterfall of milk*

*Closes umbrella* I should have predicted that...

*Stands still, allowing milk to gravitate away* I say, all this chaos stuff is starting to become boring for today. Moreover...

*Turns sight towards, at least hopes it's right direction, Germaney* ...I saw lands like those already. And they were nothing more too.

*Dives into nearest lake of Chili sauce*

*Shouts before disappearing* I've lost interest somehow...

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*Gary Bigham grabs Aria and throws her away from Conor*


*begins sodomizing him*

Its dead nasty.



Its dead.

All this time it was with me.



and now its dead.



I couldn't believe it.



It sat in the corner.

My first friend.

It fought to the death for me.

And then it died.


*goes into fetal position

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He threw me Gary Bigham... for no reason...

"It wash me who wash making love to him..."

*Gary Bigham stares at conor*

*whips out his Cryshtal/Diamond sword

*Begins slashing him*







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Well now, Penumbra, Fawkes. *Takes hat off* 'till next we meet.

Aria. *Pauses for longer* Always pleasure to speak with you, but I'm afraid I heavily disapproved situations like... those... since I remember. That's why I'll just pretend I never witnessed anything. *Bows down shallowly, puts hat on again* Mares. Stallions. Volt's leaving the scene.

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