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*Lights another candle*

*Observes walls of ice around himself*

... hello? Anypony?

*Continues sitting under the Ice shrapnel with last candle, since Aria blew the last one*

Wonder how long will this melt to let me go free...

*Keeps tight to the dim light of last candle*

Join the LPW they said, it'll be ALL about the fun they said.

*Reconsiders what happened in the end actually*

Least I didn't get stuck in this darkness with her. That would feel at least... uneasy.

*Scans the nearest area*

How did she even get in here...


*Notes in mind: Don't throw ice bergs at Silver.*

*Falls asleep*

*slowly emerges from the snow wall to blow out the candle with a sneaky grin*

Yes, sleep now little pony. Princess is here.

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Missed the stream too, just right when it was starting, the rest of my family decided to go, "Let's help grandma and grandpa move more stuff out of their old house and into their new one! FFFFUUUUUUUU---------


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Is this what happens while I'm away?

A really important question would be 'Who's controlling you?'

Because it would take a completely different strategy ranging from an epic war to sharing some tea to save you depending on the answer.



Silver...Silver... I'm actually at a loss here. I have tactics that even have a good chance of working with Fawkes, but Silver...I have no clue.

What IS you weakness Silver?

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*throws crushed glasses to the side*

You dare sic a minion on royalty?

Tsk tsk.



*guards rush into the room*

Nah. We got rid of Fawkes ages. I also stopped spreading love. The walls also melted along with my eyes. My ears starting puking everywhere and I kept fawkes company while you was gone by screaming lovingly at him when he ever turned the lights off...


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