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You are fresh to me sir,

*hands feather tea in a cup to him*

Please, have a seat and let us discuss things like the gentlemen we are...

*sips own tea*

Would you care for some snacks too?

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Well, you have been away for a good while, things have changed around here...

*opens hand to offer a snack, but a flash of light erupts instead, blinding the guards*

I must take my leave of you, now,

*becomes smoke and floats out of the room inside the floating hat*

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*grows tired of it*

This thing is so boring, no wonder I got it for free...

*crashes the Death Egg into the ground next to Zephyr and Bronies, while using the escape egg robo pod to make a clean get away*

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*Wakes up sweaty*

Don't do it yet! *Exclaims*

*Notices total darkness around*

... great. Not only I have had most disturbing dream about sensing somepony's presence here, but also the candle is gone. I could place bets for what happened...

*Catches a weird sound, just on the edge of audibility*

*Recognizes Conor's voice and Winter Wrap Up melody*

Of course! I~DE~A!

*Winter Wraps Up the iceberg*


*Notices hoof prints all around himself in snow*

What are these doing here...?

*Recognizes the unique pattern*

... ARIA! *Eyes sparkle a bit* You owe me two candles now!

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*Storms Micro with gaze while passing by*

Don't interfere. Friendly advice.

*Frowns and walks forward few steps, just to sit down*

*Starts waiting six or seven hours with concentrated, serious look on his face*

Explanation and justice shall be served...

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