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I'm such a useful employee. Wasn't supposed to come in for 5 hours when I got the call. Apparently everyone is sick but me and my boss, so here I am for a full day shift. Should be fun, since we're being audited and inventoried by two different teams at once.

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Well thank you <3 I just grabbed turkey pepperoni and some hoagie buns for lunch on the way out. Oh and provolone! And if I'm desperate I have my emergencioli in the car.

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I envy.

Green tea is great, but when I first tried it, I felt that I'll regret it.

Now I'm repelled by green tea, and I'm really angry about it each time I think of it.

*Slams hoof in desk* 'tis approach is unacceptable, but I can't do anything.

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Gack I'm about to just make some hot chocolate. I've steeped two bags now and added some sugar. Still tastes like hot water. Although looking it up online I may just have resilient taste buds, since I love spicy foods... which may diminish my ability to taste more delicate flavors.

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mdkalfmkafmkl now I taste it. How can anypony like that?! I'm just going to delegate myself a chocolate connoisseur with stuff like caramel, or peppermint, or other delectable things. If I want healthy I'll just drink water and juice. Argh it won't leave my mouth, quick somepony lick it out!

..... Just kidding.

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I no longer need relief from the tyranny of green tea in my throat, since chocolate has now taken its place. I suppose I could leave that offer open though Noah.

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