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But if I sleep I will be later then ever before.

I become late late!

*heads starts to spin slowly to the right*

I will be alone in darkness

I don't want to be alone

I don't want to fade into nothing!

*head starts to spin around and around then finally stops*

Frosty is a lonely soul, Frost needs a cupcake

*starts noming on a cupcake and is feeling oddly random tonight*

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Don't make me laugh.

Come on man!

Where's the A material?

Pull a face.

Drop your pants.

Tell a joke.

Grow a funny bone.

Siting there and brood and brood and brood.

Across the table from your enemy's, flicking cryptic threats.

What happened to the laughter in the world?



Oh yea.


But my last Joke.

Its gonna be a killer.

Tee hee he.

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*sits in his corner, eating a cupcake*

Don't make me laugh.

Come on man!

Where's the A material?

Pull a face.

Drop your pants.

Tell a joke.

Grow a funny bone.

Siting there and brood and brood and brood.

Across the table from your enemy's, flicking cryptic threats.

What happened to the laughter in the world?



Oh yea.


But my last Joke.

Its gonna be a killer.

Tee hee he.

Part of that reminds me of an old batman movie I watched.

*sits in his corner, noming on his cupcake*

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*floats in place as the gouts of flame and mushroom stalks seem to warp around his position, as if encased in a protective bubble that cannot be seen*

"Fawkes! If I wasn't wearing this badge, I'd be a fried mushroom! I know you are the king of Madness but nearly offing, as you called me, your dearest Silver, is a little much!"

*hears a rumble as another throne comes out of the ground on a lift as the ground opens up, revealing a large, burly green earth pony carrying a Thompson and holding a wine glass in the other hoof*

"Good morning! Please call me Pony X. My criminal syndicate will be taking over now... HAHAHAHA!!!!"

*scores of ponies of various descriptions come pouring out of the ground, carrying pipes and knives*

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Oooh! Ooh!


Is this like West Side story?

But with ponies?



*snaps out a switch blade and tosses it from paw to paw as I snap my fingers and tap my heel to a menacing rhythm*

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Oooh! Ooh!


Is this like West Side story?

But with ponies?



*snaps out a switch blade and tosses it from paw to paw as I snap my fingers and tap my heel to a menacing rhythm*

*floats next to Fawkes, thumping his bat onto his other hoof*

"Let's give him the real welcome..."

*Pony X smiles and laughs evilly*

"This isn't a rumble, THIS IS A HOSTILE TAKEOVER!!!"

*Pony X sweeps his Thompson, trigger held down, spraying bullets in the general direction of Fawkes throne as his underlings charge forward*

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*dives down behind my throne, bullets bouncing and ricocheting off the ancient, gnarled wood*



I wanted a rumble.

This is clearly and blatantly not a rumble.

This is... this is attempted murder >:I



*both of my horns glow, massive vines covered in thick skin whip out from the forest and wrap themselves around the charging underlings, grabbing them and ripping them into the wood one by one*

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*bullets bounce off the protective field provided by the Franklin Badge, sending a score of underlings to Tartarus*

He's not my buddy, friend! He's not affiliated with me at all!

*glares at Pony X*

How dare you fire upon Fawkes!

*floats over the top of his guards and delivers a powerful baseball swing to Pony X, knocking him to the dirt*

*Pony X slowly gets back up and smashes Silver into the sky with the stock of the Thompson*

"You got spirit kid! However, you should stay out of things that are way out of your league!"

*sees what the draconequus is doing to his underlings*

"Impressive. You are a worthy adversary!"

*snaps hoof and more ponies come out of the lift, including a even more muscular wrestler pony that looks suspiciously like "The Ultimate Warrior"*

"Go forth and secure victory!"

*fires another burst of bullets*

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AAAARGGHH!! That hurt!

*recovers his balance in mid air and dispelling his float power, freefalls with his bat towards Pony X*

*Ultimate Warrior laughs at the machine guns*

*Leaps into the air to power bomb Micro*

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* Sneaks into thread humming James Bond theme



*Looks left

*Looks right

*Looks up

*Looks down

*Darling, he looks all around.



* Crawls under table



*Goes to Aria's section.



*Rummages through belongings



Hmmm....not here.



*Gets out paper.


I am in need of you.

Like a lot.

You can do something for me only you can do.

As the Mature Filly you are, you could take this with understanding.

Now Penumbra isn't one to jump into these things.

If you want, I can take you out to dinner.

A nice place.

A candle lit place with soft music.

Have whatever you wan't, money isn't a problem for Penumbra.

He'll wear his good lipstick.

You, your fines dress.

The most expensive wine, the most gourmet looking food.

A table over looking the whole of the forest and further.

We can have that dance I promised you, under the moon.

The gentle cool breeze.

And only each other to warm up.

Slightly intoxicated.

Could lead to anything.

I also have a honeymoon suite left over.

I cleaned out the honey and bears for this occasion.

Creep in there, laughing and stumbling.

Fall onto each other on the bed.

And that that moment.

Swimming in the glow each others eyes.

And in unison.

We would both know.

The reason for tonight.

For 'us' was







...really need to give me a tape you might have.

Penumbra's "Client' knows some stuff Penumbra doesn't want getting out.

And has black mailed Penumbra.

The only way to keep him quiet is getting the tape he said you had.

The one with the "drugging" and the 'taking advantage of"

Help me save myself.

I got you dinner for Celestia's sake!

Well, I've left you my card with contact details.


With deepest sympathies.


Penumbra... I've always had quiet respect for you. You've been insane, mad, but never deceitful. Why would you not simply ask for the tape of Noah and me? I would have gladly given it to you, then waited for an invitation to an evening such as you described being offered of your own accord. It sounded wonderful.

*watches Fawkes's mad dance, my face expressionless and neither happy nor sad*

Don't miss the point, Lord of Madness. Do not miss the point.

*stands firm as giant mushrooms erupt from the earth around me, and begins to play a quick and animated bolero in time with the rampant growth, the glowing spores alighting in my mane as I rip the bow violently from side to side in a theme to the Forest's resurgence. I draw a final, long note from the bass as the chaos dies down, glancing about to see the lack of weapons or even a tent. Summerfall dives and dodges through the towering toadstools to reach the ground, Pinkie is happily munching on a crumpet, Celestaria and Lunaria glance about in mild wonder*

You've restored it, as you said you would from the beginning. Now actually lead your people into that promised age of prosperity, rather than ushering in the return of the laze, the boredom, the decline. Do not let the surface shine while the inside rots, or I shall begin anew.

*watches with dark eyes as "Pony X" and his minions begin to assault the glade and open fire. I calmly tug on my hood and robes, striding into the deep twilight among the forest floor's stalks and pulling several of the invaders into a darkness from which they don't emerge. Celestaria erects golden shields around the targets of the gunfire, Lunaria scorches countless henchmen at a time with arcane lightning, and Summerfall stoops into high-speed divebombs. Pinkie retreats into a laughing tree to finish her crumpet*

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Volt, I have important

I think I might have important for someone else too, but I forget who it is atm. but I KNOW I have important for Volt

Oh? You've notched my attention then. What is it about?


Miss Fluttershy DID know what she's saying after all... I wouldn't even like to imagine what would be happening if I acted directly in this matter.

Perhaps I shall just turn away, and head to report to her.

*Observes "The Outcome"*

Each rejuvenation is preluded with destruction... isn't it?

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*Pony X turns around and sees several other ponies, and a few Alicorns have arrived and are pulling his goons into the darkness*

"I will not let you mess up my brilliant takeover!

*Snaps hoof again as one final wave of underlings come out of the lift, including several robots with spike ball arms and firing lasers out of their chests, led by a black hakama clad pony with a black mane and red headband*

"Meet my right hand pony! Shiva! Do it!"

"Yes, Pony X..."

*Ultimate Warrior takes the full assault and drops like a stone, his days of illegal underground fighting over... FOOORREEEVVVEERR*

*Silver sees the golden shields protect him and Fawkes and then spots Aria

"Thank you Aria! Now, Shiva... Pony X... Your attempt to hostilely take over our forest ends.... HERE!"

*smashes into Pony X with the bat after freefalling*

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*robots shut down from the EMP blast but also self destruct as Pony X laughs, but is cut short by a colossal blow from above as Silver's freefall tackle connects with his head, sending Pony X to the dirt, unconscious*

*Their leader gone, the remaining underlings raise their hooves in surrender, except for Shiva, who escapes with Pony X on his back*

*Silver collapses from the freefall and collision*

"I have a feeling that they won't be back for a good while.", he says with a smile as he loses consciousness.

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Well now. That was fun.

*Dusts off hooves. Takes off trenchcoat and sunglasses, returning to his useless disguise of mild-mannered MicroChip (as opposed to Epic MicroChip. They're two completely different ponies. :unsure: )*

Think someone should get Silver medical help.

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