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You would lose. Street fighter and mortal kombat, at least the modern series have virtually no combat system or if they do possess one it is pale and rushed. The older street fighters however are from I seen more equipped mechanically. The Mortal kombats of the past....I don't really know although the gimmick of having so many finishers and just being its own unique style at least-In my opinion-meant it deserved some sort of attention and it had a nice enough roster, especially as time went on to keep things interesting.

While the old guilty gears, most notably X and the one before mechanics were still rusty, it had original and interesting ideas with a still very interesting rosters. Although as the game evolved it became easily in terms of mechanics the most well polished game which Blazblue took and improved while street fighter for some reason decided that no mechanics is better and relied pretty much on frame abuse and 1-2 hits for "combos" The current Mortal Kombat is equally boring although at least nice looking. Blazblue might be more generic anime with some of its character while in the past GG was just out right insane in terms of characters, I think that a more personalized drive has been assigned to the BB staff and the story moves forward more nicely as whole thanks to the character change.

In short while Mortal kombat and Street fighter were great games, this current generation decided for whatever reason that Combos, bursts, skill based tactics and balanced moves of any sort of mechanics was a waste of time and that graphics and hoping fan bases to just grin and buy would pull the franchise forward. Sadly they were right.

AT LEAST the SF series redeemed it self by using an actual combo system and even a jewel/tag team system on top in the SFXT series. I'm hoping that mortal kombat redeems itself in the fighting world. When it was controversial and new, it was fine and it old adventure story aspects were a nice gimmick to the games as well but it wouldn't kill it to introduce a more stable combo system in the future.


In all honesty, I say this not to be rude, but that i'm far to tired to read all of this.

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In all honesty, I say this not to be rude, but that i'm far to tired to read all of this.

I'm a fighting game fan who hangs out with other fighting game fans. We talk about this stuff alot. It ok. Its my fanatic Beat 'em up side coming out. These are pretty much the only games I play besides a RPG here and there so I do rant about it alot.

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I'm a fighting game fan who hangs out with other fighting game fans. We talk about this stuff alot. It ok. Its my fanatic Beat 'em up side coming out. These are pretty much the only games I play besides a RPG here and there so I do rant about it alot.

Nah, it's cool man. you're still awesome in my book. but I'm headed to bed, I'll see you tomorrow, along with the rest of the LPW crew.

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Uh, I have to miss a Brony meetup and I complained about it on their group wall and my sister thought I was making her out to be the bad guy... I wasnt, I was angry at her boyfriend but mostly disappointed.

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But that's not your fault. You can't help missing a meet up... It's just the way things are. We all miss out on something at some point in our lives. I've missed out on a chance to go away to America because I don't like planes and I want to go away with my dog by my side. So I'll be having a holiday in the UK this year.

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As far as I know, I'm the only Pegasister in my town. My friends show no interest in the show, but they accept me for who I am and choose not to make fun of me for it. But I am one on my own. If there are any meetups I most likely won't be able to go to them. My family can't drive and meetups usually happen in cities, not small town's like mine. Your not alone...

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