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but I guess Angie has to be nice and share o)3) that's coolio

Angie's been saving up for two years to get a laptop. she has all of $200 .–.

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... oh god, I'm turning into Penby...


I aprove.


And in response to the question I can't be bothered to find.

I am over payed ($26.40 and hour)

Over timed (7am-5pm)

Under qualified (3 months. Still don't know what I'm doing)

Under worked

(My time table

7-9: faff about on the computer.

9-10: Eat banana

10-11:30: Ask if there's any work I can do

11:30-1. Lunch.

1-4:45: Nothing. Go home)

18 year old that works at a desalination plant.



And sometimes I have to go to a warehouse and sign some stuff off.

I don't know what i'm signing. But let me tell you. By Celestia i'm wearing a helmet while doing it.



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That's funny Aria. I couldn't sleep well last night either because somebody unplugged the router last night during the storm. Then I am awakened at 4 AM with the dogs and to pull dad's shirts out of the washer and hang them up to dry because they shrink if placed in the dryer. Ughhhh.....

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