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But with this recipe I've added more screams of the damned, and I even ground up a big philosophers stone into the mix, which is pretty much made of thousands upon thousands of souls!

I... I feel like this brew may be more befitting of dearest demented Penumbry :'3

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*takes the cup's handle gingerly, betwixt pad and paw, swirling it in gentle circles*

*whispers softly beneath my breath, absent-mindedly*


*stares down into the murky depths of the cup, raising a single brow*

Oh my yes... certainly the air of Dementia does this brew have about it~

*closes mine eyes and raises the cup to mine lips, sipping slowly*

*my horns spark with a brief blue electric current*

*shiver slightly*




*sips again*




*sips thrice times more*






*nods slowly and opens my eyes*


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Yergh, I need to make a character log and everything now. Also! Does anypony want to app their ponysonas and join me in Crossovers?

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