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Without tea, we need to blame someone, and the first ponies blamed are usually the ones in charge. Who was recently named princess, I ask you?

Blaming the ones in charge doesn't usually finish up well, my friend. You should be aware of that. After all, they are in charge.

Thankfully, not in charge of me.

Amusing how you let somepony control you.

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*snaps fingers and a Mach Pizza appears in his hand*

You forget that my power and persona in this forest of madness is gaming related? I can summon food and recovery items whenever I wish!

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Without tea, we need to blame someone, and the first ponies blamed are usually the ones in charge. Who was recently named princess, I ask you?

T'was I, and despite the raging I'm still very proud of it. I've been crowned princess twice recently, in fact.

You will forget about love when starvation sets in...

My love is eternal. Just like that rash that never goes away, only with better things attached.

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T'was I, and despite the raging I'm still very proud of it. I've been crowned princess twice recently, in fact.

My love is eternal. Just like that rash that never goes away, only with better things attached.


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Someone has to be.

Help me! My avatar's personality has taken over!

That's enough out of you-- I mean, Fawkes and Aria aren't fit to rule

How interesting I find this!

*hooves to chin*

Do tell me more.

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Well well, Aria. A signature that explains everything clearly and leaves nearly no place for assumptions.

Also, Davy... memes .-.

Only the most informative of signatures will satisfy me!

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Anyway, I'm off to sleep. *Sigh* I'm loosing ground. I really hope I won't disappear for longer soon. Issues issues... even though you don't know what I'm talking about... I beg you, wish me luck. I'll really need it for the first time of my life.

Good night.

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Anyway, I'm off to sleep. *Sigh* I'm loosing ground. I really hope I won't disappear for longer soon. Issues issues... even though you don't know what I'm talking about... I beg you, wish me luck. I'll really need it for the first time of my life.

Good night.

I wish you sunshine and ladybugs until you awake!

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