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I found out some members of the Minnesota Bronies group on Facebook installed Desktop Ponies on a few of the computers in the Best Buy at the Mall of America meetup.

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I...I don't even care anymoe.



Blackfang's gone.

He's never coming back.



I never got to tell him...how much he meant to me.



What if everyone else leaves?!

Dusty's gone!

Never knew him, but he has!



You need to tell the people you love that you love them all the time.




I always have.

Not matter what I did or said.

All this time.

These old threads reminded me of all the fun we had.


Don't you leave me boy.

Don't you ever leave me.

Don't be like Blackfang.

And leave Penumbra heart broken.



*Make's Blackfangs grave.


Here lies Blackfang.

congrats penumbra, you actually drove me to the point where i stopped caring about your well-being


*Puts rose.


You may have not cared about my well being.


But....Good bye.

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Penumbra's emotions do as the please like a well tempered breeze, blowing which way they see fit.

It would be unhealthy for him to grey with the clay.

Then wait seven days to the day. He'll just be thrown in the potters scrap heap.

So take his advice, you'll have to bury him twice.

Because the first time he won't rest easily.



I'm just very sensitive at the moment.



* cries.

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