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Fawkes, why you gotta be anonymous? it makes it hard to Canterstalk you and to know if you've been looking and my gorejuice profile D:



Like the contents of your bag after coming out of a fast food drive through.

And more so, like the contents of the food in the bag~


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Like the contents of your bag after coming out of a fast food drive through.

And more so, like the contents of the food in the bag~


Your TRYING to make me draw you again. Arn't you?

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Oh, Appiliance. Your stoic short commentary is one of the many things that make my time on LPW a memorable and lovely one.

It's not stoic. I just don't like most people. XD I just get irritated easily. :U

I like your avatar, by the way.

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Oh well, I returned. : D

The convention was a lot of fun, and having been there I greatly regret not throwing some kind of Cosplay together, because that looks like so much fun. You know, walking around, taking photographs with other Cosplayers, getting asked where you bought that bathrobe looking thing you are wearing... That kind of stuff.

But, I was positively surprised that I could meet 3 webcomic artists first hand who I love for different reasons.

First off, the guy who does Romantically Apocalyptic, a webcomic about an insane military officer and his remaining man doing random stuff after the nuclear holocaust. http://romanticallya...lyptic.com/info

I bought a poster from him and he signed it. :3

Then there is Tom Preston, who does the "So... You're a cartoonist?"-webcomic, which is a slightly autobiographical thing, I think. http://syacartoonist.com/

Once again, I bought a poster, and he signed it. ^^

And saving the best for last (imho), Humon, who is a lovely Scandinavian lady writing a couple of really awesome webcomics, among them "Scandinavia and the world", "Niels" and "Manala Next Door" (All of which you probably shouldn't look up while at work or something. ^^; ) http://satwcomic.com/ (<-this one is the harmless one). I bought a poster, a comic and a postcard, and she signed all of it.

Then they were preselling the DVD of Iron Sky, and if you know what it is, it should be obvious to you why it will take forever until that movie makes it to Germany. So I bought one copy and got a free mousepad.

Also, since it's also kind of a videogame convention, I was able to play a demo of Lollipop Chainsaw, which was great fun. I look forward to play more of that when I return to Germany.

And then, out of the blue, there was Film Brain, one of the contributors of Thatguywiththeglasses.com. He seemed like a nice guy, and I shook his hand, and then I made him write Film Brain with sharpie on my Iron Sky DVD. He wasn't sure if he should go through with it, but I made him. :I

So yeah, great fun, all in all. Bought a sandwich, too, but it tasted like crap. XD

Oh, yeah, I also bought my first ever piece of pony swag. A button with Rarity on it. :D

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I'm not insane, I just don't care to play a stupid game.

Quite right. Just eerily devoid of most positive emotion.

Welcome to LPW, my dear~



Neigh, but I find myself wondering if I've tarried too long in this strange wood as it is.

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Quite right. Just eerily devoid of most positive emotion.

No, I'm full of positive emotion.

Just not here. I see no reason for that here. :U

Don't act as if you understand the things I feel. Because, well, I am a happy person. Just annoyed easily, and often. :3

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No, I'm full of positive emotion.

Just not here. I see no reason for that here. :U

Don't act as if you understand the things I feel. Because, well, I am a happy person. Just annoyed easily, and often. :3

But I'm always here to brighten up your day, Appiliance.How can you not feel positive emotion here?

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