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Cadence tired.

*Sweetie scoots into a wall*

On a fun note though I've started using the abbreviated Cade for almost everything now, like the trivia game at Buffalo Wild Wings. When I won and it flashed across the TV, I got to go "That's totally me."

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Glorious day everyone! Apart from the undeniable need of committing a murder today, and in nearest approaching days too, everything is as usual :D

I think I'm loosing it... for real...

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We should totally use secret Adventure Time murder mystery party names. My personal favorites are Randy Butternubs and Princess Gummibuns.

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the stars lean down to kiss you,

& i lie awake and miss you

pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

cause ill doze off safe and soundly

but i'll miss your arms around me

id send a postcard to you dear,

cause i wish you were here.

ill watch the night turn light blue

but its not the same without you

because it takes two to whisper quietly

the silence isnt so bad

til i look at my hands and feel sad

cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.

ill find repose in new ways,

though i haven't slept in two days

cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone.

but drenched in vanilla twilight

ill sit on the front porch all night

waist deep in thought because when i think of you,

i dont feel so alone...i dont feel so alone...i dont feel so alone

as many times as i blink ill think of you tonight.

ill think of you tonight.

when violet eyes get brighter

and heavy wings grow lighter

ill taste the sky and feel alive again

and ill forget the world i knew

but i swear i wont forget you

oh if my voice could reach back to the past

id whisper in your ear

oh darling i wish you were here.

Sorry... Sometimes I post the lyrics to what I'm listening to when I am really enjoying the song.

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Winter that Sig is totally more abusive than LPW banner which was denied not so long ago. I find it at least amusing.

Lol! And he sired a female Cade and a colt named Changeling?! How weird is that!

Does that mean one of next character introduced will be Pony Fisher :shock: ?

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Maybe the Aeroblades just need a more condensed logo, maybe like an emblem or something?

I came across a baking supply store going out of business and bought like...a lot...of stuff. I feel no guilt or shame, only the urge to make pony-themed cupcakes.

Hi Peggles!

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