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He was well over 7ft tall, pale white, very big and muscular, had a bad over his head with chains, wore a drape over his waist, was all stitched up AND had a hand saw on his wrist.


But I was fine because Sam and Dean Winchester where there :l|



I might draw a picture of him....

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*Places a life size pony ice cream sculpture in front of him*

Alright, I etched a snowflake into the flank so you will always know that you are born of Winter ;-) I even included fudge filling! .... Tempted to take a bite....


*flies into new body and walks around*

Much better, Thanks for the body!

Now I must be off, Frosty away!

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Sure, if I'm getting a new body.

Well Vanilla, or chocolate please but if you can, I could use a new body.

Thanks for the bandages but I think my ear is in someone stomach.

wow That's a lot of replies.

Uh... yeah, long story short:

I went into your consumer's stomach to retrieve your ear just for you.

Then I took a nice bath and cleaned your ear.

You probably didn't notice that I placed your eaten ear back on.


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I played Sequence yesterday with my mom, grandma, and sister. Mom and I were the blue team and my sis and grandma were green. I played the game winning card and chip in both games!

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