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On a plane of enjoying them, no. I'm not amused by seeing others in pain.

On a plane of curiosity, yes. Since I like hearing about different stuff, Silver ;D

Luckily, I avoided greater injuries throughout my life. Worst thing I had so far was right hand thumb bone splinter. Funny fact, though, was that I had whole arm immobilized (lol) and it happened in job. So, I had month of convalescence and a second month of doing... nothing when I was healthy already. Not mentioning the compensation I've been given... good old times.

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Going to an interview with an agency that helps people who have extreme trouble getting employment. Usually because of some pjysical or mental problem. My problem? I have both ADHD and Asperger's syndrome. Legally diagnosed by my previous psychiatrist when I was very young. Wish me luck! I'm taking my shower soon.

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Good luck! I used to help students find employment myself, and it's rough business -- a lot of places just don't hire or even want the risk, even though it's considered discrimination. I've found chains will give you a harder time than a business owned by someone specifically. They're usually easier to deal with because they have nobody to answer to above them.

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I'll post a picture of my dorm room when I move in and get settled down.

And all the luck Swirl!

And Rosewind I am not new!

It's LPW tradition to post a "you must be new" image macro if someone comes in this thread and says "I win," regardless of their status. It's the rules!

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Just remember that an interview has to go both ways -- you'll want to find out about the job as much as they want to find out about you, so be proactive about getting to know your interviewer and what you're getting into.

I have an interview myself this Friday for a different job that'll hopefully pay more, and the only thing I'm dreading is the trip to get there.

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This is to figure out how this agency can help me in getting a job elsewhere not for an actual job and this may be my last hope...

Last hope? Nonsense! You just have to have faith in yourself. Keep in mind the American job market is really in decline at the moment, so finding quality work is tough. I'm not sure where you are in your education, but you might look into completing something that interests you in school; they'll often have contacts to other businesses that can give you a foot in the door, with an understanding of your special needs.

Also see you later Angie! Have fuuuun!

Silver -- for someone with Asperger syndrome, it's easy for you to turn those quirky "weaknesses" into positive assets for a business. Attention to detail especially. But you must sell yourself positively.

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Well I'm a high school graduate and that is about it. I am intelligent but I have problems writing papers and the like. I just have problems putting ideas into coherent format, although my Roleplay posts arent an accurate representation of my problem. If it is about something that doesn't interest me, I tend to not bother with it and good off.

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Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

I've abandoned hope long time ago already. Instead I just live with reality, not chasing dreams, but searching for an occassion to fulfill them.

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"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe than you will be successful"

"I have the opportunity to make a dream into reality."

I live by both of these quotes so just take everything in stride and don't forget to dream.

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I live by the quote that Soulscapes has as her signature:

(to praphrase)

"True immortality means sharing your heart with everypony you can."

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good luck

You. Of the fiery mane. I sense similarity.

I live by the quote that Soulscapes has as her signature:

(to praphrase)

"True immortality means sharing your heart with everypony you can."

The best hearts are the jagged, torn, patchwork ones. There are pieces that are missing completely, where you gave a bit of your heart and received nothing in return. Then there are other, not quite conformed pieces, where you shared your heart and got something back.

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