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i know what you mean, Davroth. I'm too trusting of others, and so I give pieces of my heart to others and ending up having more holes than Swiss cheese. This then led me to not trust others which was equally bad. Now I'm better but I'm careful with my heart.

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I've grossly underestimated the length of Resident Evil 4... :'I

For some reason, I honestly thought the game was over once you reached the end of the castle. Like, the FIRST map of the castle.


Suddenly, SURPRISE!

A whole new area left to play through!

Also, Regenitors are the worst thing ever in all of video game history (if you don't have a rifle... which I did not.. >: ).

Just throwing that out there.

Also, I have such a hard time attributing sex appeal to Rosie. Or picturing her in any kind of sexually appealing manner.

My mental image is like... literally 90% professional Cherilee. With some fun-loving Pinkie Pie thrown in.

To picture Rosie in a sexually appealing way would be like picturing my Mom in a sexually appealing way :'I

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Hey, you can't just quote me and then edit your post. That's just plain rude. :I

Also, Regenerators and Iron Maidens are terrifying. They made you really fear for your life counter. And they were a welcome change of pace after the "zombies" with guns (Especially the ones with the miniguns *shudders*).

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