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I have this really amusing image of Twilight and Pinkie sitting in classrooms with glasses on. Pinkie looks at Twilight's paper in English, then blows her away in Home Econ.

Pops up often when I get dragged to school.

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Do you have a name to offer to the red god? Speak it, and it shall be done.

Neigh! If there was a name I'd have to offer, I'd be dead by now, my lady. I deal with those... matters personally.

Hey, you can't just quote me and then edit your post. That's just plain rude. :I

Then please, accept my sincere apologies, good lord. Know this, though, that your quote was nothing but a background for my monologue. You shall not feel concerned.


Toooooo late.

I saw what you saided, Volty Volt~ :3

So you know how far in decomposition my soul has progressed. My... situation calls forth for a remarkable thought. They say that the tougher the life, the stronger the character. Soon I'll be able to break through brick walls with mine, then.

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Also, Regenerators and Iron Maidens are terrifying. They made you really fear for your life counter. And they were a welcome change of pace after the "zombies" with guns (Especially the ones with the miniguns *shudders*).

Iron Maidens... those are the guys with the claws, right? Gotta shoot 'em in the back?

Eh. They just annoy me. Having to lure them into a position where you can get a good shot at their backs and whatnot.

And REGENERATORS. They make me fear more for my ammo than my life bar. Being that, again, I didn't have a rifle for the longest time and would just blast them with everything I had until they went down :'I

And is this game supposed to be frightening? I thought it was.

Cuz I really have to admit... nothing in this game has frightened me.

I think I turned around once and there was an enemy that got a bit closer than I expected and that gave me a bit of a jump. But that's about it.

Which is funny cuz when I played RE4 the first time, when I was like... 14 or something, I had to stop playing all together once I started encountering the Monks cuz their chanting creeped me the buck out :'I

Ah well. Next on the list is Dead Space 1 and 2.

See if those can't get me to wet myself.

If not, I suppose I'll have to find some way to play Amnesia~

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So you know how far in decomposition my soul has progressed. My... situation calls forth for a remarkable thought. They say that the tougher the life, the stronger the character. Soon I'll be able to break through brick walls with mine, then.

When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get MAD! DEMAND to see life's manager! >:3

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I'm the manager of my life, Fawky~

And I just turned down yet another request for compensation, due to lack of funds from the government ;<

Life doesn't even give me lemons, I'm too deep in debts (metaphorically speaking, of course).

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Iron Maidens are the improved Regenerators. The ones with the spikes. XD

Ohhhhhh! Okay.

Eh. More of the same in my book.

Though admittedly a tad creepier. Love dat death rattle breathing~

Just wait until the battle with Krauser lol

Is THAT gonna be frightening?

Cuz that sounds like something I'd expect to be the complete opposite.. :'3

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Fairly well done, my lords. By paying attention to your conversation, you've convinced me to get myself Amnesia at last, after 4 months of hesitation.

Also, Fawky~, you may want to try Penumbra too. (Game, not Pen-Pen ._.)

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Ah, yeshy yesh. I remember looking up Penumbra.

In the same general vein as Amnesia, by the looks of it.

Now those look like frightening games.

RE4 looks like a kiddie game in comparison.

I just have no idea how I'd play either of them.

All I have to work with is a three year old, dying HP laptop :'I

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I've grossly underestimated the length of Resident Evil 4... :'I

For some reason, I honestly thought the game was over once you reached the end of the castle. Like, the FIRST map of the castle.


Suddenly, SURPRISE!

A whole new area left to play through!

Also, Regenitors are the worst thing ever in all of video game history (if you don't have a rifle... which I did not.. >: ).

Just throwing that out there.







Penumbra doesn't have that high requirements Fawky~

Wanna place bets Pen-Pen will catch this one?

My name is Penumbra and I aprove of this post.



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Why does a party get called for when I convert to Rainbow Dash?! Argh!

I saw what you said too, Volt. But I shall keep it secret! Winter is coming...

My avatar is not from anything close to clop -- it's quite G-rated. Maybe a little saucy.

Aria -- I want to see this image of Pinkie and Twi in class. Do share!

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We are dealing, now? And you want me to be dealer? How sweet :sad:

Thank you so much! So, we are playing poker, then? 5,7, or Texas Hold'em?

I guess we could be playing Uno, instead, though...

Oh, a nice game of Go Fish?

Stake it all on a game of Go Fish.

I never played much cards in my earlier youth, really.

I like Uno though.

Your FACE has a lack of sense :I

It's a face. I doubt there's much sense to be made of it.

*I put on my robe and wizard hat

You're learning. :L

The Rave Little Toaster

*takes out glowsticks..?*

I've also learned

that being nice is a terribly hard thing to do, and my patience is as thin and as brittle as rotten wood.

And sometimes, people don't deserve your kindness after a while.


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