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Lady Rosewind, the lion is not afraid of any forms of darkness nor terrors. I do hope you are not threatening the House of Lannister. That would have some... unpredictable consequences.

Morning everypony.

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*Holds up a pinecone* Would you eat this, Pemby?

No, but my dingo-dog thingy called Lola would.

She loves pinecones.

Hey...you know what Rosie should totally do....


Go for that Mod spot.



Your like, perfect mod material.

You're like, kind and...and.. intelligent..and understanding...and...everyone loves you...and other awesome things.



+1 brownie points for Penumbra.

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No, but my dingo-dog thingy called Lola would.

She loves pinecones.

Hey...you know what Rosie should totally do....


Go for that Mod spot.



Your like, perfect mod material.

You're like, kind and...and.. intelligent..and understanding...and...everyone loves you...and other awesome things.



+1 brownie points for Penumbra.

Aww thanks! That means a lot to me!

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Today is wristband day at the fair, from 7 PM to 10 PM, you can ride all the rides you want without purchasing tickets by buying a wristband for 15 dollars. Its also the busiest night of the fair and the lines are gonna be long for almost all the rides too.

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At 118% damage as Pikachu in Boss Battles mode on Brawl. I'm up against Petey Pirahna next, should I use the recovery heart and reduce my damage before fighting or go in like it's 300?

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No, but my dingo-dog thingy called Lola would.

She loves pinecones.

That's funny. I guess dingos really will eat anything.

CUZ... this one time... a dingo ate mah bay-bay.. :'3


Hey...you know what Rosie should totally do....


Go for that Mod spot.



Your like, perfect mod material.

You're like, kind and...and.. intelligent..and understanding...and...everyone loves you...and other awesome things.

Also I wholeheartedly agree with these statements~ :'I

With Skye retired, we ALMOST have a complete team of super, awesome loving and tolerating mods.

Dio? I haven't had enough one on one interactions to really say. He seems like a koo guy though.

So Rosie should take that spot before it's potentially given to someone who SAYS they embrace love and tolerance but TOTALLY doesn't :'I

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Good luck on that, Davvy! I'm wondering if I should update my app.

Speaking of positions, I went to an interview today and it went extremely well -- then I got pulled over for speeding on the way home and got out of that ticket. Maybe cause I was dressed for an interview? Course my mirror/inside of my car is strewn with ponystuff, so that might have been a big contrast. Or the cop was a brony. Who knows? I'm just lucky today.

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