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Last post wins

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Sooooo... Prometheus. That was a movie. Ah... Biologists are stupid. And so are Geologists.. and everyone else that get employed by Weyland Corp. At least the android had his head screwed on right. :I

Hey Davroth!

I wonder if you can make an 8-bit version of me like what you did with Angie, Fawkes, Solaria, and the others. :shock:

As I explained when I made then, I made then of the top 10 posters of LPW at the time. And I didn't really have the time to revisit that. I'm sorry. :/

If I extend it to the top 15, you'll be among them, promised.

There's an 8-bit me around somewhere?

He's talking about those:


It's more 16 bit, though, if anything. ^^;

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What are... Who... Why did you do that fawkes

Cuz I could!

Now get over here and rub mah belly~ :3

I feel. Very. blah today.

*lays down and curls up in ball*

Don't feel blah, good THUNDAH!

For today we our on the cusp of our greatest victory!

The vindication and absolution of Last Post Wins.

Soon enough the voice of God will seem just a little less loud~

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*spreads out my wings and spins in circles with my paws extended to my sides, making obnoxious helicopter sounds as I'm drenched with the hose*


I'm a watercopter!



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*spreads out my wings and spins in circles with my paws extended to my sides, making obnoxious helicopter sounds as I'm drenched with the hose*


I'm a watercopter!



You're the watercopter and I'm the ROFLcopter SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI

If you've never used microsoft sam you'd have no idea what SOI sounds like

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Sticky fur. Remeber?




*Penumbra takes a cigarette. Puts in your mouth.

*Pulls on your finger. and another finger. Then he cigaretts

I... *cough*




*looks down at my fingers*

*wiggles them*



*spits out cigarette and looks at it*

*looks at Penumbry*

...what did you just do to me? D:

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so bored

-pokes Penby and crawls underneath him-

*Gets poked


1) Get a headset for your comp

2) Get ARMA 2

3) Get the Day-z mod

4) Team up with Uncle Penby and be the bestest zombie apocolypes survival team EVAR!

Or alternativly


We can all Day-Z!

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