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Last post wins

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can't a guy be dissapoint at a guy having his opinions?

Yes, possible.

Hmmmm... I don't know what to say here... Uh, I'm trying to learn to play Breakfast in America by Supertramp... On piano...

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Wow. Someone here seems to actually care for the well being of the rest of us.

Shouldn't take long until you become a bickering nut-job like most of us here. Or you can be like me and try to stand on the brink of insanity and laugh at everyone else.

oh come on we're just here to dump

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oh come on we're just here to dump

You may be, good sir. But to many of us here, this is a place were we feel happy. Were we truly belong.

If you want the technical non-sentimental side, I can give that to you, too.

This thread's fun. There, I said it. It's actually developed a little role-playing community. Don't know how, but it just did.

Very good. You've gotten me to feel deep and profound. Now let us enjoy our fun in what little peace chaos allows.

You want more? Ask Fawkes. He's better at this sort of stuff then me. Probably give you a little poem, too.

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Here's a recap of today:

A huge bomb went off killing everyone present. Some of us came back to find a crater.

Everyone dead came back to life because of a spell.

Kitty got injured.

Kitty got better.

New guy joined (Conor)

Everyone began rolling their R's.

Conor made friends.

Lord Broney got shown that this thread isn't just a dump.

You came back confused about confetti or something.

I answered your question (I hope).

Still confused?

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Here's a recap of today:

A huge bomb went off killing everyone present. Some of us came back to find a crater.

Everyone dead came back to life because of a spell.

Kitty got injured.

Kitty got better.

New guy joined (Conor)

Everyone began rolling their R's.

Conor made friends.

Lord Broney got shown that this thread isn't just a dump.

You came back confused about confetti or something.

I answered your question (I hope).

close enough i guess....


tumblr_lrdx9cKUCG1qi3fduo5_400.gif?1321282100[edit=lets keep this rolling]

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And so it begins folks! I'm your host, MicroChip. And this is the Last Post Wins thread: Pic Fight!

One one side, lead by Penumbra, we have team Cat! A master of making people laugh online for ages, cat is a worthy adversary.

On the other, with BlackFang leading the charge, is team Tennant. This actor turned Time Lord has found his face in more internet memes and jokes they I can count.

The fight of the thread! Bets will be taken out back.


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