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Last post wins

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Fawkes. You know..I've been thinking of the post wars comming up.

and I realized..no matter who wins...all the mortals lose.

You and I are both cackling, you dropping choclate milk on their heads and theres me...holding a box of chocolate hearts giggling trying to spread joy.

Its strange how mirroring it is in outcome. Isn't it?

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Very nice choice Penumbra, you've got good taste in game music my friend :)

(oh and Sulvuss, didn't I kill Fawkes before, how could I kill an immortal?)

Hes a chaos spirit, silly. He chose to die because he can't say for certain hes immortal..then, because hes chaos he said his immortal after it and sprang back to life after in true chaotic fashion.

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Well suuuure!

But it's always the details which matter most~

Chocolate milk?

Chocolate hearts?

These ponies would be simply MISERABLE with nothing to sustain them but chocolate hearts. For that reason, they NEED their chocolate milk. And they will have it >:3

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Hes a chaos spirit, silly. He chose to die because he can't say for certain hes immortal..then, because hes chaos he said his immortal after it and sprang back to life after in true chaotic fashion.

I... uhm...


Let's go with that~ :3

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Scared. What do you mean?

Scare (skâr)

v. scared, scar·ing, scares


To strike with sudden fear; alarm. See Synonyms at


To become frightened:
a child who scares easily.


A condition or sensation of sudden fear.

A general state of alarm; a panic:
a bomb scare that necessitated evacuating the building.


Serving or intended to frighten people:
scare stories; scare tactics.

Phrasal Verb:

scare up Informal

To gather or prepare with considerable effort or ingenuity:
managed to scare up some folding chairs for the unexpected crowd.

[Middle English skerren, scaren, from Old Norse skirra, from skjarr, timid.]

scarprime.gifer n.

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Pe·num·bra (pibreve.gif-nubreve.gifmprime.gifbrschwa.gif)

n. pl. pe·num·brae (-bremacr.gif) or pe·num·bras

A partial shadow, as in an eclipse, between regions of complete shadow and complete illumination. See Synonyms at

The grayish outer part of a sunspot.

An area in which something exists to a lesser or uncertain degree:
"The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion"
(Joseph A. Califano, Jr.)

An outlying surrounding region; a periphery:
"Downtown Chicago and its penumbra also stand rejuvenated"
(John McCormick).

[New Latin pemacr.gifnumbra : Latin paene, almost + Latin umbra, shadow.]

pe·numprime.gifbral, pe·numprime.gifbrous adj.

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The animation show our understanding of the principles. Basially, various elements that are standard for any good animation on matter how long or small.

Well ,I got sick for a few weeks and I am one of the few that focuses on hand drawn frame by frame movements rather than tweening or vectors. Bad news, my illness for a while really knocked off a lot of my work. I have loads of design and writting soon. My animations are also, as I've been told by my teacher although not complete clearly understand of the elements and well done.

But I still have laods to do. I have one four second one of mouth movement and turning-pony one-and a version of a character I made a long time ago called the Vile doing a finishing move like a fighting game.

I would have more but tiem constraints push me.

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