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And dancing~

Especially a nice waltz.

But I never said I was a villain.

Although I very well may be.

Nor have I ever said I was a savior.

Although I very well may be.

I simply... am :3

You are many things, Fawkes. Quite telented at them aswell!

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Can't he do some lightning bolt thing and get here real fast?

Well. He could, if he knew he had to get here. Plus he really hates me and is properly trotting on a different planet or some distant land in equesteria knowing him.

I can go get him, I would have to look though.

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Oh, all kinds!

I used to do medieval RP when I was younger. I was into knights and archers and all that kinda cool stuff, but I also had a mage character (Necromancer really) who I still use today in some roleplays! Unfortunately the boards this character is involved in aren't... well they aren't active.

But I've also done:

-Fallout RP

-Star Trek RP

-Zombie Survival RP

-Starfox RP

And I've just recently become addicted to MLP roleplay. The community is awesome and it isn't combat crazy. I can actually have some pleasant RP without having someone having that Mary Sue lunatic character come busting in guns blazing.

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Oh, all kinds!

I used to do medieval RP when I was younger. I was into knights and archers and all that kinda cool stuff, but I also had a mage character (Necromancer really) who I still use today in some roleplays! Unfortunately the boards this character is involved in aren't... well they aren't active.

But I've also done:

-Fallout RP

-Star Trek RP

-Zombie Survival RP

-Starfox RP

And I've just recently become addicted to MLP roleplay. The community is awesome and it isn't combat crazy. I can actually have some pleasant RP without having someone having that Mary Sue lunatic character come busting in guns blazing.

I like you, Imagination.

Would you like to become my apprentice of love and understanding on the forms?

Perhaps sometime we can talk about RP. My style pretty long and only for fans of reading though. It has shut down RP's before, normally out of imtidation due to its length. Sometimes people love it though.

I have seven years expereince so if you need any help either in drawing or rp or writting in general then don't hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to help you if you ever come to require it.

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