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I hope it will be. I am going into pretty risky terrain here. I am trying to use more solid lines of colouring and less details, searching to find the exact tone for fear and unknown while splashing my watery style around for atmoshpere. Its still in early stages but it has potential to have a kind of...drying blood effect.

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Perhaps if you had managed to extinguish my presence in the thread, my dear Conor >:3

However, my dearest throne held the line though and maintained by iron grasp around victory's throat~

Hum. Speaking of which...

I haven't been paying my poor throne much attention lately.

*trots off to throne*

*flops into it*

*pets it's armrest*

There, there, my sweet li'l throney.

Papa Fawkes hasn't forgotten you~

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He diiiiiid?

Awwwwh, nooooo.

Throney would NEVER do something like THAT.

What's that, Throney?

*throne shivers*

*places ear to armrest*


*barely contains giggle*

You... you DID?


That's hiiiiLARious!~

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