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Never heard of this 'My Little Dashie'

May I have a brief synopsis?

its about a human who is never really identified who lives in a world that is currently in a drought of hope. In his despair he finds a frilly rainbow dash in a cardboard box and raises her to adult hood. Pretty much the story plot.

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its about a human who is never really identified who lives in a world that is currently in a drought of hope. In his despair he finds a frilly rainbow dash in a cardboard box and raises her to adult hood. Pretty much the story plot.

is that this?


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Let me first off just say that making me cry is very hard. Not that I'm emotionless or anything, but just that I don't cry easily. Only one thing has made me cry that would seem silly, and that was the last few episodes of Clannad After Story.

After reading My Little Dashie, I cried. I knew I was going to after reading the first paragraph. It's a mix of a brony's dream come true with a legitimately sad story. I bookmarked the page to the story. I find I can relate with the narrator in many ways.

Anyway, I just needed to get that off my chest. I'm a bit more proud to call myself a fan of the MiP series now too.

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Anyone know how to get rid of a headache ?

Sleep more, don't sit/stand/lie down too quickly, drink enough water for the day, and go to the bathroom(Don't hold too long). Last one might sound disgusting, but it's true. It actually prevents more headaches in the future.

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