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Last post wins

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The fact that you DIDN'T MENTION David Bowie is HORRIBLE!

I should strike you down were you stand good sir! >:[

Penumbra knows a Bowie song that is fitting of Fawkes? >:[

I looked at Ziggy Stardust, Ashes to Ashes, and Space Oddity.

They are not Fawkes.

Does Penumbry know some other Bowie song that, when he listens to it he goes, "Gee wilicur, Batman! If Fawkes was a song, this is what he would sound like! CRUMPETS!"?

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Penumbra knows a Bowie song that is fitting of Fawkes? >:[

I looked at Ziggy Stardust, Ashes to Ashes, and Space Oddity.

They are not Fawkes.

Does Penumbry know some other Bowie song that, when he listens to it he goes, "Gee wilicur, Batman! If Fawkes was a song, this is what he would sound like! CRUMPETS!"?

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Of course, if you have something you feel fits entirely better, obviously go with that.

Angikins has fantastic taste in muziks too~

mine may or may not have been the animal crossing halloween music >_>

there's animal crossing filler music for any situation :blush:

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I tried to get in through google search like I did last time this happened, but it didn't work. the good thing is that I found out that I'm missing out on not one, but two topics involving last post wins

EDIT: one isn't a topic, and the other very few of you seem to have noticed

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I just drew deadpool and was using WHOLE bunch of techniques that I never tried before. I also used a skeletion which is something I never use.

It started off as this:


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Then it became this at the end:


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What do you guys think?

Its my first attempt at deadpool, as well as skeletion formats. I also tried to do him in his american comic style.

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