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Yay! *snuggles into Fawkesy's fur*


*noms on mane*

You should come watch ponies with us on Saturday morning~

Mffh... well... you're one of dem growed up ponies like Penumbra and Fawkes and Imagination...

Actually, I think you're the most growed up of all of us...

So, I guess you might be working or sumthin...

But if not, you should join us~ >;

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I don't want to be a grown-up D: I don't even want to turn 17! like, what good is 17? that's the age that everyone forgets about because it's between 16 and 18. and you spend all of 17 preparing to be 18 D:

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I don't even want to grow up in the slightest :(

I've got a manageable work load at the moment....but that'll change very soon...

Higher tier GCSE's...A levels........



*Backs up against a wall paranoid and panting like hell* D:

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Huzzah! :3


And what do you use to do yur doodley-drawin-majiggers? :3

That's an excellent question. :3

I use a 50 bucks tablet and Adobe Flash. I've been told that Flash is not optimal, but it has some neat features as far as I'm concerned, like that it turns everything into vectors already, making it easier to resize. :3

That tablet was probably the best investment I ever did, drawing wise. XD

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*Puts a juice box on Pegasus' head along with the tea*

Sorry for being young Fawkes....but there's you're juice buddy :D

*swipes juice box off of tea tray*

*inhales juice box*

*flings empty carton into distance*



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*Peels self off the ground*

....I love how you guys had literally no reaction for me jumping out a window :/

Anyways....I gotta go rest these broken....everythings.....

Goodnight guys :D

I wasn't even here for that. I cannot be faulted.

Good night!

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