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Steve Jobs is Dead

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Seriously, not 1 minute before refreshing Canterlot and seeing this topic (where I first learned of his death) I was synching new music to my iPod. I rarely add new music to my iPod. Gave me some chills...

R.I.P. you amazing, visionary of a man~

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I dont want to make it sound like the two events are related... but didn't Apple JUST have a big announcement thing like two days ago? not only that it was about a month ago he resigned as the CEO... I'm just thinking that with the announcement (Which i heard were kinda blegh...) and his death, stock is going to plummit...

But that's Apple, i feel really bad, and frankly shocked about the news... He was pretty cool, and he's helped make a lot of cool things... Rest in peace...

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Without Jobs work in the technology field none of us would be sitting here doing what we're doing. Home computing owes everything to what he did. He was the first to make this accessible to the general public, and without those foundations to build on, or the competition to keep up with (I'm looking at you, Mr Gates), we would not have the computers we do now. He changed how we interact with each other, and with the world. He changed how people learn. He revolutionized the music industry. Even though I've never owned a Mac myself, I learned to program on an Apple ][ and my iPhone is an extension of my arm. He was an amazing man, and he seriously kicked cancer's ass.

Pancreatic cancer patients generally have an expectancy of 6 months to a year after diagnosis. My uncle passed away 7 months after his. Steve Jobs was diagnosed in 200****ing3. Go Steve.

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The world would be a very different place without Steve Jobs.

He accomplished so much since co-founding Apple and producing personal computers that would go onto define the industry pretty much as a whole. When he got kicked out, he produced NeXT which formed a foundation for so much once he was brought back to oversee the iPod, iPad, iPhones, Macbooks and OS X. Each one of those has had a profound impact on modern technology.

I'm really sad to see him go. Actually, rather devastated. But he's left one hell of a legacy.

R.I.P Steve Jobs. You will be missed.

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