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New Challenger!

Kind Shadow

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About myself.: I like to draw, and art 'n stuff.

How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: My friend, Google told me.

How did you became a fan of FiM?: My laptop broke, so I was forced off the internet and had to watch Tv when I couldn

My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy

Hello, everyone. I'm new, and I hope to have lots of fun with everyone. I am joining because I want to RP and start drawing ponies. I have a few good years of rp experience, and am relatively new to the fandom, but have embraced it fully.

Please take care of me from now on, and rely on me if I can help you.

How I became a fan (extended): So I had to watch TV when I couldn't sleep, and after watching a marathon of action cartoons (like Cowboy Bebop, GIJOE, Thundercats, Conan The Barbarian, and Batman Beyond) I found MLP was on right after Batman, and decided to give it a try. It was a nice refreshing change of pace, and from then on I found myself watching the show. This happened about a month or so before season 2 began airing.

Edited by Kind Shadow
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What "friend" brought you to Canterlot?

I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

You'll also need to make at least 3 comments anywhere in the Introductions section before you can post on other parts of the board.

A good place to go if you're looking to meet a lot of new Bronies is the IRC Chat.

Welcome to Canterlot!

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Thanks for the welcome, Armony and MyLittlePonyTales.

The friend was "Google". *Is forever alone*

I'm aware of those rules, but thanks for taking the time and explaining them to me just in case. I'll review the rules again just to be sure, but it all looks pretty straight forward. I'll try not to break them, as best I can. Shouldn't be too hard... I hope.

And yes, Fluttershy!

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Thank you, Brauner, Tenkan, and Phil. I officially feel welcomed now.

Yes, I do watch anime and read manga. That is where I got that phrase from. >,<

Ha, ha.

Thanks for your compliment, Tenkan. I actually came up with it a long time ago, but never got to use it fully till now. I thought it had a nice ring to it, too, even if I do say so myself.

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Hey, welcome to canterlot - hopefully you stick around and have plenty of fun here...!

Remember, helpstaff/mods/admins and the info forums are available to look at anytime you need anything answered, so don't be afraid to consult any of them if you find yourself getting stuck on anything...most answers can be found quite simply, so long as you ask the right questions.

Anyhoo - now that I've said my hellos, here's my complimentary E-Glowstick!


Have fun, and enjoy your time here with us! ^^

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Thank you, Xiee and Robikku for more welcomes. I hope to rp with you in the future as well. Thanks for the glowstick, too. ^^

I don't think I have any questions. I'm just waiting for my character to be re-reviewed. It's already been looked over, and stuff, once... So I should be able to rp in the near future. I don't foresee any major hick-ups anyway.

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Welcome to Canterlot! Be sure to stop by Getting Started for a whole saddlebag full of goodies and useful information, including free avatars and templates! We hope you enjoy your stay and have a great time!

We've got many different things to do here, from the random chitchat and chattertalk, to out and out Roleplay! We do encourage you to explore and settle in, find your own little place here. Perhaps you draw? We have a section for art! We also have a Gallery! Do you write? We'd love to see your fanfics, stories and lore! There's a section for that! And if you're into the Roleplay, well, then you came to the right place! Compose music? We'd love to hear it!

I used to love some of the older cartoons, another of my favorites was Thundarr the Barbarian and Blackstar, as well as Galaxy Rangers!

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How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: from a podcast called bronyville.

How did you became a fan of FiM?: a friend told me about it and once i watched it i become a major fan and still rewatches

Please take care of me.

If you want to introduce yourself, the right way is to start your own introduction thread and not piggyback on another's.

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