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I've done that a few times in my life, haha.

I'll accidentally say 'somepony' when I'm talking to friends or family, and even sometimes on my Facebook statuses. I always try to give a light cough and correct myself. But, in your case, that seems a tad impossible.

I'm also caught saying 'What the hay?' a lot.

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I really have to force myself to say sompony or everypony ._. I dunno, it's just not how Angie talks :P I don't think I even use everybody or nobody that often. I say "all of the people", or "none of the people" irl a lot

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Being so used to writing pony fanfics and RP posts, It's exceptionally hard for me not to use the pony terms now when typing. I have to force myself not to when writing non-pony related stuff.

I'm actually not sure if a somepony has ever gotten through without my knowledge. I'd be surprised if it hadn't though. :/

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Well, unless she actually knows about FiM and its fandom using those terms, I'm sure she'd see it as an honest mistake and not give it any thought - it'd get a laugh out of me at best but it wouldn't make me wonder how it came about.

I really have to force myself to say sompony or everypony ._. I dunno, it's just not how Angie talks :P

I agree.

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I've had several cases, the first one being in the summer when I went to a store to see if a game I wanted was covered by the sale they had on and the only copy they had in was used and only slightly cheaper than a new one and not covered by the sale, when I debreifed with my mother about it I said "....And I refuse to pay that much for a game somepony else has used"

Once I said "....A town founded by Earth Ponies" instead of "....A town with a farming history"

I took a financial literacy class and for one weekend they went through the practise questions booklet, a couple of the first questions were about a family that farms apples for a living (No really, they even had some of the names match) and said that I got stuck with those ones because "....The way the question was worded was a bit distracting"

For the same class I ended up remembering the different types of employment/disability insurence by which Pony could get which: Fluttershy has the highest one that will pay you if you can't do a job that's the same as your old one (only a few occupations have this, it's also a bit of a stretch but given how animals are a bit different she could be counted as a doctor of sorts), Twilight is the second most insurable (because in theory, an accademic is less likely to have some terrible happen to her than most ponies), Rarity is the third most insurable because she runs a shop (I don't know, maybe she could fit under Twilight's bracket, they didn't list everything that goes in it), then Rainbow Dash (I consider weather worker as being similar to a trades worker, such as an electrician or a plumber), then Applejack (farmer is specifically listed in the least insurable bracket because of the high injury rate). And Pinkie Pie can't get employment insurence at all because you have to have a full time paying job to buy it

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... I turned in a report, and I got an A on it. When I looked it over, I noticed that I had accidentally put the word "anypony" in it on accident. Mrs. Macomber was an awesome teacher. :P

I've also slipped before, saying "somepony" in the past. Nobody noticed, much to my amusement.

Good Celestia, we're being ponified!

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