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Discord and Direction - YOU CHOOSE THE PLOT! :D


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Well, I finished the first "introduction" chapter to my fanfic about Discord. Showing both a glimpse at the near-end, as well as the beginning. I am well aware that this is short, as it's meant just to be an intro. Future chapters will be longer.

Now, you ponyfolk get to decide what happens next!

Be sure to read the story before posting/voting (and I am more than willing to take constructive criticism, in fact I BEG for feedback on how to improve my writing style!)

The story:


I spun around, locking my eyes with the invisible spectre, snapping my right claws. While the purple pony had no idea what she was dealing with I could clearly see the empty-eyed echos that were wieling the floating swords. The spectre vanished and the sword fell to the ground, I spun around to see one behind Twilight swing it's sword to sever her head from her neck


She did, fortunately in time, losing only a few hairs from her mane, another snap of my claws and that spectre vanished and the sword fell.

Twilight panted "Thanks, Discord, I dont want to think about what would have happened if you'd not been here"

I meerly nodded, snapping my claws again, though purely for effect, as a glass appeared in my paw and above it formed a tiny pink raincloud, filling the glass with chocolate rain "your parched and tired, this will give you energy and quench your thirst" I said, offering the glass to the unicorn

Twilight smiled "thank you" she said as the glass took on a purple glow and she raised it to her lips, drinking deep from the liquid.

How did it come to this? Why was _I_, the Draconiqus Discord alieing and protecting Twilight Sparkle, who in my previous encounter I only wished to see reduced to a whimpering foal at my feat? As the unicorn drank the chocolate rain my mind began to travel on it's own... back... back to when it began back to...


Dessonance and Direction


Chapter I

How it all began...


How would you like it if you were completely paralized? locked in darkness and silence, fully aware of the outside world but unable to touch it? The sensation can alternate between relaxing and maddening, in varying doses. However, in my many years of imprisonment I had writhed with anger at the world for locking me away in such a twisted prison.

My escape, though short-lived, taught me this: The world has changed, I must change with it.

When I fell that fatefull morning, imprisoned once more, I decided that when I got another chance (and I would, I have eternity to wait) that I would have to take a very different approach. Announcing my presence and staging a hostile takeover without first learning what threats there were, that was a foolish mistake made from the madness I was stepped in for so many years... I would not make it a second time...

It had been decided that my prior 'home' was too dangerous now, that I might reawaken. It was only with the weakening of the spell that I awoke before, it did not matter. However, these pitiful fools were not I, they could not feel the ebb and flow of the energy networks that criss-crossed this globe they called home. Without even knowing it, the new location they moved me to was atop the intersection of not two, not for, but eight of these lines of energy. I believe the ponies called them Lay Lines back in the days when magic was less about flash and show and more about substance and essance. I would need only bide my time for the laylines to break the spell for me...

Days turned to weeks, then months, I was aware only of the pulse of energy, for it was so powerful it blocked out what limited perception my magics could grant me in my imprisonment. A full year had passed but then that night, when Celestia slept and Luna's moon was blocked by the planet's own shadow, when their power was at it's nadir, I summon forth every spark I could muster, using the energy I had sapped from the laylines, along with my own, and Then, that was when the darkness finally faded, when I finally saw light at the end of my tunnel.

I found myself standing amid the stone wrechage that had been my statue. I was in a room of similar stone, a vault no doubt. My eyes could not see on their own, but with a little magic the shadows cleared and indeed I could see other artifacts around me. None really grabbed my attention, but there were wands and crowns, hats and capes, staffs and gems. All bearing some form of enchantment. No doubt this was what had warped the laylines to intersect here, and which would also mask my own escape.

I turned to the rubble and tapped my chin "oh this just wont do" I mused "clearly I escaped..." I looked around and with a wave of my talloned hand the entire room glowed faintly for an instant, now before me was a large pile of stone, taken in tiny flecks from the entire room's walls, cieling and floor. Nobody would ever notice the miniscule change, but now I had the raw substance to work with. Using magics forgotten by all save the princesses themselves, I warped and altered the stone to my will, like it were clay. Though I suppose if I'd added some water it might have become clay, but that's not the point! Within moments a perfect replica of my statue stood on it's pedistol, the look of frozen horror on it's face, I scoweled at those ponies for what they did to me...

I reflected a moment on my current situation. No doubt I had been closely guarded and no doubt they would do more than glance inside the room now and them. If I wanted to make this work it would take a sacrifice on my part.

I sighed deepely, as I did my breath took on a glowing arura as a large portion of my power was transfered back into the statue. I immediatly felt weak, but it was an acceptable sacrifice to keep from being trapped. I sent the majority of my magic and my own hatred and even a portion of my love of chaos back into that statue, enough emmotion and energy that with the laylines it would appear as if I had never left it...

I fount myself slumping against the wall, a sensation I was not familiar with; exaustion. How long had it been since I had spent so much power at once? it had been centuries since I had felt so weak and tired, and what grated on me was the fact that I would have to get used to this now. Untill I had assertained the threat to my comming empire I would have to leave the majority of my magic locked up in that statue to fool those alicorns... but everything had a price, and soon enough I would be reclaiming it.

After a moment of rest I stood, still exausted. It would take much longer than this for me to recover fully, or as close to fully as I could. In the mean time I would have to find a way out of this vault. I placed my paw on the wall and gently felt it, extending my claws and listening to the resonance within, the wall was a good foot thick, or, well, close enough, nobody would realize it was 1/16th of an inch less than a foot after my statue was formed, but hey, that's the price they pay for not having my perception.

I could have easily teleported through before, but now it would be tricky. Not only that but I realized that the vault was air-tight, while I might once have sustained without any natural need I realized in my weakened state my magic could nolonger sustain me, I was being forced to breethe and I would quickly use up the air in this room. While not an immediate concern since it was a large room and I only a single Draconaqus, it would need to be addressed in a timely manner...

I began to consider also what to do once I was past the wall. No doubt I was still within the palace and it would be rather hard to explain why I, a draconaqus, was walking around there. For the moment I was safe, or, as safe as one could be while slowly facing suffocation. So I pondered, what would I do now? Obviously I would need to do some reconassiance to learn of this new world and my new enimies, but how? and where? and... as what?

It was now that an idea began to take full form within my head. While it sickened me, I would have to take on the form of one of these lower-lifeforms... Then from there I would integrate myself into their society, earn their trust, learn what I needed, and then, after causing as much dessonance from the inside, I would reveal myself and take back what was rightfully mine!

I closed my eyes and drew on the pwoer of the laylines, this was so much easier than using my own weakened magic, I would have to try and establish a base of opperations on an intersection... I felt the planets own power run through me as my body began to turn to a reddish brown haze, in all my years I had never felt anything so bizarre, it both thrilled and terrified me.

When my eyes, my saphire-blue eyes, opened again, I was seeing the world from a notably lower angle... looking at myself I saw a pony, of a reddish-brown coat with a light blue mane, I saw no wings, so at first I thought I was in the form of an earth-pony, but then I felt the magic gather atop my head as I focused on my next spell, clearly I had become a unicorn. Unfortunately I was reminded once again of my own weakness which seemed to only increase in this form, but the I suppose it was taking a lot of magic to keep my shape altered...

What would cause me concern was a warm tingling I felt in my hind-quarters, my 'flank' as it were now. I watched as the area began to sparkle and glow and there appeared upon my back-end the image of a pair of dice, the single dots on top 'Snake Eyes' as it were.

I thought it was rather odd, I certainly had no chosen a 'cutie mark' as the ponies called them, but it appeared that the planet's spirit itself had chosen one for me. Quite a fitting one with how I liked to skew the odds and always come out on top, and perhaps with my last two failures, on bottom - appropriate as 2 was either the highest or lowest score one could possibly achieve on a set of dice, depending on the game. Also fitting I suppose as I loved to play games with my captives, wheather physical or psycologial, it was always more fun that way.

So, now, I had a new form, but I still was known as discord, I would have to choose a new, more fitting name for this form. Of course I though of many, Chaos, Disharmony, Dessonance, but for some reason none seemed to fit. It was almost as if some greater power was toying with me... that's when it came to me - This was a shorter version of me, so perhaps just shorten my name, that would techncially mean I was the same, while being different all at once, perfect chaos. I considered a moment... Discord... D I scord... DI. No, that would have worked nicely if I had been a mare, and perhaps was the pun the greater power had in mind, after all Di, or Die was the singular form of 'dice' but... D i Scord... DS? no, that sounded like some kind of other-worldly gameing device... D is Cord... DC? yes... I liked the sound of that... It sounded like the name of something, someone, or someplace with a lot of power...

I felt shundered suddenly, different inside from before, I had now completely seperated my new self from my old, havign left most of my hatred and love of chaos in my statue, cast aside my form and my name... things were starting to feel different... but I shook my head, "No!" I said to myself "I may appear as the Unicorn 'DC' but I am the Draconaqus 'Discord'! I must not forget that!" I snarled, though it came out more like a snort, which made me laugh, oh yes chaos, however minor and silly, even on myself, was still funny. That much of my personality was certainly still intact.

I walked over to the statue and raised one hoof, placing it on the pedistol "I will be back for you" I promised "and then, when we are once mroe one, we shall rule this land, and chaos shall reign once more! this I swear!"

Feeling better about my choice, I turned, my horn glowed, and a tiny pink riancloud formed. I took a nearby goblet, dropping it as I forgot I nolonger had hands, and scoweling I picked it up with magic, allowing the chocolate rain to fill it, and noticing that my 'magic' had a peculiar sea-green glow to it. I then drank deep of the liquid, knowing that after this I would have to be very careful when and where I showed this power.

Unbeknownst to me that goblet I had chosen, though, carried a pwoerful enchantment, and in my weakened state I was completely unaware of it, but all too soon I would feel it's effects and realize my mistake. But then, it was my first day as a pony so I should be allowed a certain allowance of mistakes.

Having finished the drink I walked over to the door and closed my eyes, in my mind imagining a line from where I stood to the other side of the door, a line of movement, of magic, a line that would link time and space together...

My horn glowed and I panted harder and harder, finally I felt the laylines rise up and their energy filled me, for an instant I had all the power I needed, and in that instant there was a flash of green energy and suddenly I was on the other side of the door, even more exausted than before. I looked around, swaying slightly. I was in the palace, though wheather that was a good or a bad sign I had yet to determine. I did not see any of the royal guards, but that only meant they were away from their posts, I would not be able to get far before I was spotted, so I picked a random direction and started running, turning as soon as I saw a sign that pointed 'EXIT"


I ran for what seemed hours, but was really just minutes. My exaustion making time dialate longer and longer to me. I was suprised to see a large group of ponies up ahead, not in royal attire. I realized that it must be earlier than I had imagined, and this was probably the final tour group of the evening, or, failing that, perhaps it was later than I immagined and this was the first tour group of the morning... It didnt matter, one of the oldest tactics was to hide in plain sight, so I quickly took up a place in the group.

The tour guide was an older guard, he didn't look like he could handle so much as a filly, but at the same time, there were harsh lines chisled into his face, and many medals upon his coat, In his prime he probably was quite the fighter, but now he was a lowly guide to the castle and its history.

I followed them around as the guide pointed out verious plaques, painting, documents, relics, and other nonsence, but I stopped when he said "And we come to the conclusion of the tour, and as a special suprise, Princess Luna is going to take the questions any of you might have!"

I froze and I could feel my pupils shrinking, would she recognize me? the last... wait, what was I concerned about? she would have to rouse those foolish ponies from ponyville from their beds, she no longer wielded the Elements...

The croud let out a cheer as the doors behind the guide opened and from them stepped the Princess of the night. To think, at one point she might have become a powerful allie had those foals not broken the spell upon her...

"Thank you all" said Luna "It is an honor to see and answer any questions from whose I serve" she said with a smile "I will grant each and every pony here a single questions" he said, her eyes scanning the croud "Lets start with... you!"

The pit of my stomach fell through the floor as one of Luna's bats came to rest on my head. Clearly the suprise was obvious, as Luna smiled reasuringly at me. This could be quite an oppertunity to learn of this world! But then again, Luna was almost as unaware of this world as I, having not been back long herself... and it might throw suspicion my way if I asked about the castle defences or foreign relations... then it hit me, the perfect question, it would suprise her and aleviate suspicion, I smiled "Princess Luna, your highness" I said, neiling politely "My question, is unlike those you usually get." I smiled, "I ask you, how has your night been?" I paused "I do not mean how many treties have you signed or how the treasurey is proceeding, I mean you, how has _your_ night been?"

Luna was indeed dumbstruck but her smile showed that it was a good reaction, which pleased me as well as it would aleviate suspicion "What is your name, loyal subject?"

"I am called 'DC,' your magesty" I responced.

Luna smiled "Then unicorn, DC, I am touched by your interest and concern, Most ponies see me as nothing more than a beurocrat, it is wonderful when one of mine subjects takes the time to remember I am but a pony myself." She said, "as to your question, the night has been less than joyous, however, your concern has made it much better, thank you."

I was suprised to hear a clap followed by another, they were applauding my question? it was meant to confuse and dissarm her, why should they be happy, but I smiled none the less, trying to look slightly embarassed at the attention.

"Now" said Luna, as her bat flew back to her "next is... you" and the bat flew to a pegasus pony of a grey hue.

The final leg of the tour continued this way for a good half hour, though it suprised me that atleast once more, the mare of the night glanced at me and smiled. Apparently I had left an impression on her, wheather this would come back to bite me in the tail later would still have to be seen...

When the tour finished, I followed the group to the exit, Luna cast another glance my way with a smile as she returned to whatever it was that she had been doing prior to the question and answer session. While I had intended to unnerve her it seemed the table had turned, her continued interest in me made me worry that perhaps she had a clue to my true identity. Though I reminded myself, she would be fooled by that statue I had errected in the vault, so perhaps it was meer idle curiosity about the pony who had taken a personal interest in her instead of viewing her as a figurehead.

I exited the castle into the crisp night air of Canterlot. The feeling seemed to rejuvinate me, though I still could feel the exaustion as soreness in my body. This would take so long to get used to and was such a bother... But the promising future that lay ahead of me was enough to reasure me that I was over-reacting, that soon _I_ Discord, would again rule this land!

I stood on the castle steps, overlooking what would soon enough be my kingdom, all that was left was the more pressing issue of where to go from here. After all I was alone, without any significant money, and- A growl from my stomach interrupted my thoughts, reminding me once again that I was now subject to mortal needs... I would need shelter, food, and some form of, I believe they called them 'bits' now...

The night was far from over, much like my new adventure, the only question was how to proceed...


End Chapter I


Now, Vote on what you think should happen next, and dont hesitate to vote "Other, see below" and give a different thought on what should happen!

(Keep in mind that this is only the first chapter in what will likely be a very long story, so even if I dont specifically pick your direction I may use part or all of it later on)

I will leave the poll running for around a week, randomly taking it down after 5-10 days (when I feel like it, and to discourage "oh I'll vote later" procrastination ;-) Vote NOW! :D )

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I'm starting to think seriously that this was a bad idea... I hope weekend brings more votes, if not I'll have to turn this into "Thunderflash chooses the plot" since your the only one that seems to like the idea...

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Why is it that whenever you do something, only one other guy is interested in what you're doing Ashton?

As for me, voted! You said yourself, Discord wants to create as much disharmony as possible without giving himself away and before returning to Draconequus(sp?) form. I could totally see him conning or stealing some money then getting another pony blamed for it.

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Why is it that whenever you do something, only one other guy is interested in what you're doing Ashton?

Bad luck maybe? (or in this case a good friend) I think it's more that no body wants to spend the time voting or commenting, much less reading (even if this intro is only a couple pages long)

As for me, voted! You said yourself, Discord wants to create as much disharmony as possible without giving himself away and before returning to Draconequus(sp?) form. I could totally see him conning or stealing some money then getting another pony blamed for it.

Thank you for your vote! There are about 30 different possibilities to how events may unfold (which is why I decided to do the audience-voting bit) The only part that is set in stone is the beginning (obviously) and, amusingly, the ending. Where did those sword-wielding echos come from? How will they be defeated? That part is set. Why is Discord helping and protecting Twilight? Where are the other mane 6? That everyone gets to decide! :D

I'm going to hold out till monday before I close the voting, hopefully there will be more votes. (And if anyone wants to know, at the time I close the poll I'll tell you which plot I was planning to use if I hadnt done the voting schema)

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Voting is closed. Results:

Find an Inn and offer to work for his night's sleep = 2

Meet Twilight (on good terms), who is there visiting Celestia =0

Meet Twilight (on bad terms), who is there visiting Celestia =1

Find a pony and con them out of money to pay for his food/room. =1

The reason I left that 2nd one in there is because it was my original plot, and I may still use it before DC leaves Canterlot... none the less, his next move will be to find a palce to stay and offer to work for his keep.

I have a very mixed feeling about this "experiment", honestly. After nearly 2 weeks I got a total of 4 votes. While there was a majority (barely) I didnt get nearly as much feedback as I was hoping... I'm unsure if I'll bother with another poll for chapter 3 or if I'll just give up and white it however I see fit, if I cant find a proper solution (or find too many) I might just make a list and roll a die...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to let you all know I've not forgotten about this, It's just a long chapter and I'm having very little time I can sit down and write (I hate to sound like Rarity here, but I have to have enough time to get "in the zone" to be able to write properly, anything I just toss out in 5 minutes is going to be an absolute horseapple) I will get this continued soon, I should have some time later this week to sit down and devote a good 5 hours or so to writing.

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