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What would you do?


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for definitly Pinkie. we'd eat desserts and party all day

I mean like, what would you even do with the other ponies? pick apples? read? BOOOR-ING :D

I know there's more to do than that, I just felt like writing this way ._.

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Hmm...I'd love a chance to spend the day with Twilight in the library, talking about our favorite books and stuff like that.

But then again, it'd be fun to spend the day with the Apple family, helping Applejack pick apples, or listening to one of Granny Smith's zany stories.

Or getting dragged into the CMC's newest attempt at earning cutie marks.

Or helping Pinkie Pie bake treats for all her friends.

So many fun choices, I can't decide.

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I have a tendency to be detailed, often unnecessarily so. So forgive me while I pontificate on this subject while refusing to identify myself as a Brony (despite many protests to the contrary that will no doubt arise after being forced to read this incoming explosion of text). For the purposes of this discussion, we'll assume that I'm a ponified me and not a human walking around with a bunch of horses that rarely reach my chest (unless I have underestimated their sizes badly).

1st Choice-Fluttershy: I would spend my entire day simply enjoying her company as I assisted her with her work. I do very well with animals on a trust basis, and have a great love towards seeing them treated well. I'd probably prefer to be a sort of pony Steve Irwin for the day, helping larger more dangerous animals with wounds or whatnot that she would be too small to carry or tend to on her own. Not that she cannot handle herself, but when you need to actually lift a Manticore, you need muscle power, not cuteness.

2nd Choice: Spike/Princess Luna/Big MacIntosh/Mr. Fancypants: With Spike, I'd just chill out and have bro-time. I'd give him some advice on his lady troubles. He'd teach me what it's like to be a dragon, which would be awesome, because I love dragons. With Princess Luna, I'd just treat her like a normal non-frightening pony, because hey, I've been the Prodigal in my life. And I'd ask questions about 1,000 years ago, because history is a fun subject for me. I'd also ask her tons of questions about pony "science", i.e. magic, seeing as she would have to be very skilled indeed, being an Alicorn and all. Big MacIntosh, heh, we wouldn't even need to talk. We'd just work our hindquarters off all day and have a good hearty meal when one was called for. LIKE A HOSS. Mr. Fancypants, well, aside from debating matters philosophical (come to think of it, Luna would also be good for this, I'd assume she'd be classically educated) and taking in Canterlot like any pair of decent chaps, we'd engage in swordplay, the Gentlecolt's Art. And just generally be stellar exemplary Gentlecolts.

3rd Choice: Rainbow Dash/Rarity/Applejack/Hayseed Turnip Truck: Rainbow Dash would probably just be fun to teach how to swordfight, with all that athletic ability and natural competitive spirit. Rarity, well, that's easy. Gentlecolts take fillies out on the town every now and then, don't they? Not romanticaly, of course, but as platonic companions. Don't want to bust up things for my main man Spike. Like I would with her older brother, I'd spend the day working with Applejack, with decidedly more conversation than the same day spent with BigMac. And last but not least, a day spent with Hayseed Turnip Truck would be epic beyond compare, as we wallowed in the simple pleasures of simple ponies and generally hicked about.

Yes, I thought all this out now, on the spot, and yes, it means I am probably a nut. WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!

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One day to hang out with any pony I want from the show?

Hm... that's a tough call. From the mane six I would probably hang out with Twilight. Mostly because everyone else would be doing stuff that I wouldn't enjoy... Okay maybe working with Applejack wouldn't be that bad, but everyonepony else would be doing stuff I would not want to do. Now, out of ALL the characters... people have told me before that I'm good with children, so being a babysitter for the CMC wouldn't be that bad. Maybe even help them get their cutie mark in the process. The Princesses might also be interesting to talk to. And assuming I could talk to him without him, you know, escaping again, Discord would be interesting to talk to/hang out with. Seriously, despite the fact that he messed with everyone's minds, he actually seemed like a kinda funny guy to hang out with. You honestly cannot tell me you wouldn't want to live in his world if he didn't mess with your mind like he did with the mane six.

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I'd spend the day with Fluttershy. We could snuggle softly with all of the cute bunnies and start a humming bird choir together. Then we could watch some butterflies as the flutter gracefully from one flower to the next. Then we could go and see if there are any ducks to feed. Ahh, it would be animal heaven.

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I'd spend it with Twilight. With her teleportation spell, we could have a (admittedly too short) tour of Equestria, or at least of a few interesting places, and as a tourist guide I am fairly certain she would happily ramble about the history of this and that, the great celebrities that lived x hundred years ago that no ones knows about, or the different architecture styles of the region we're visiting, or any other nerdy subject like this. I'd love every second of it. One day is much too short really !

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Every time I see this topic, I forget what it is about, and a

song starts playing in my head.

I am starting to agree with several of you that TS would be the more interesting of the mane 6 in this situation. If I got thrown into Ponyville, I would have lots of questions, and TS would give the most satisfying answers.

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