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Hasbro doesn't like the name Derpy?


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It's actually already old news by now. Yes, the temporally removed the name Derpy Hooves from WeLoveFine, and then there had been petitions that clarify that "derp" isn't an insult to disabled people, but rather a word describing a small screw up, like getting a name wrong, or forgetting an adress, or not noticing that a grey pegasus in the background is walleyed.

Last I heard about it, the petitions and general support of the community worked, and everything is back to normal. I just checked, and Derpy is back on WeLoveFine (had been temporally removed), but episode 14 is still missing from the iTunes Store, so I'd guess they are still investigating.

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I took this seriously untill I read that. General rule of thumb is that anything negative said on youtube is said by a troll. This is still possibly true, considering her original name was to be "Ditzy Doo" though again, 'Ditzy' could be as badly misconstrued as 'derpy' and may also be scrapped if the studio really is following this line of thought.

Personally, I think this is the worst we can expect. Hasbro knows it will anger a LOT of bronies, who it's clearly see *are* a viable market (as per a interview posted on ED) so they wont remove derpy, but I think they may avoid naming her and relegate her to her former/current status as a "fan bonus"/"where's Waldo" character --- when I think about it, this seems the most likely option, this way the 'anti-derpy' group would see the name not being used, and the bronies will see there simply havnt been situations to call her by name. (clever writing can VERY easily avoid calling a character by name, though poor writing create a lot of "hey, you!" moments) This would allow a fairly safe 'middle of the road' that wont severely anger either side, which is a position corporations like to take.

For the record, no, I dont think they'll be removing Derpy, nor her wall-eyed stare or antics.

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I remember hearing about this from Caramel when the news first broke and I said, "What the hell?". But I knew the fandom would win over Hasbro and prevent that from happening.

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