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Crimson [FINAL!]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Crimson

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye color: Dark blue

Coat color: Deep red

Mane/Tail/Markings color: A red and black striped spiky hairstyle, medium sized mane and long tail.

Physique: Mostly average sized, but she can appear stlightly tall. Pretty thin though surprsingly strong.

Cutie mark: A normal yellow led pencil that she got after discovering what wonders she could do with a pencil. (Writing, drawing etc)

Origin/residence: Crimson was born in Cloudsdale and she currently lives there, but is looking to move to another town fairly soon.

Occupation: Clearing the skies while secretly planning to move somewhere and start up a farm.

Motivation: Crimson dreams of setting up a farm of her own somewhere, growing all kinds of delicous fruits. There she would also make country related art (having more inspirations there), her favourite type of art to make. Well almost favourite. Fruit art was the best kind, as then it smells good let alone looks good!

Likes: Fruits of all kinds, anything country, making new friends, having fun and adventures/challenges.

Dislikes: Losing/failing, feeling down, making enimies, getting lost or being messed around. Oh and bad fruit.

Character summary:

Born in Cloudsdale, Crimson learned to fly with great skill quickly. Unlike the other fillies and colts though, she didn't have a dream to be as great as

the wonderbolts or to join them. Instead, Crimson desperately wanted to live the life of a country pony and so always wore a black cowgirl hat and tried to speak in country (her accent wasn't too good though.) But obviously her parents dissaproved of this, and tried to steer their daighter way from this, dragging her along to all the wonderbolt's performances. This only ended up with Crimson imagining she watching the rodeo championships instead of "amazingly" talented pegasus as her friends called them. Failing this, they gave their daughter a good talking to on how she couldn't live her dream until she was older. Well thats the way Crimson would sum up the lecture.

Disheartened, the young filly turned to another thing she liked fairly well- Art, writing and reading. Endlessly Crimson would spend days working on a "masterpiece", or on the "next best seller", and maybe even countless nights of no sleep so she could finish that certain book! With this her parents withdrew a little, happy that their daughter was still doing alright in school even though she spent most of her time glued to those certain hobbies.

This now leads to how she got her cutie mark. Yes, Crimson HAD sometimes wondered what her cutie mark would look like and when she'd get it, sometimes she may of even worried once she saw how quickly her classmates got theirs, but it didn't actually bother her too much. The aspect of patience wasn't hard to come by at that age. Then there was the one day when Crimson read an interesting flyer on an "arts" festival. Reading, writing, drawing and more, just what she loved! Crimson didn't miss it for the world, and on that wonderful day when she took part in all the enjoyable activities, something rather special appeared on her flank.

And so now Crimson is a fully grown mare, ready to put her hoofprint on the world of Equestria. Will she finally be able to follow her dreams? Maybe all that country life was just a phase? Perhaps she could become an artist or author instead? Who knows, only time will tell the future of this Crimson coloured pony...



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A very interesting character! :) Kinda a punk-cowgirl ... artist? Very ecclectic, at any rate! Unique personality, for sure! Makes me want to know more about her.

I have a small question - she is a good writer and her greatest love is to write, and that's what her cutie mark means... so why is her motivation completely unrelated to her greatest love? Does she see the farm life as something that would leave her time to herself for her writing?

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Well yes, I think. Mainly it's just that writing/drawing was her special talent and a thing to embrace while she couldn't be a country pony. It may turn out that she doesn't want to be a country pony at all though, I mean she hasn't expierenced it yet so she could hate that life.

Oh and thanks, :)

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A cutie mark is more than just a special talent - it represents an aspect of their personality, an understanding of their nature and their self. A special talent just usually comes along with that.

That's kind of the whole point of what the mane six keep trying to tell the CMC.

Scootaloo: "These stories are boring! They're all about knowing yourself and boring stuff like that!"

Rarity: "Yes, exactly!"

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I'm really interested in this character, though I too would like to see just a little bit of clarification.

Her cutie mark is for the arts, but her dream (childhood dream?) is to run a farm? Absolutely nothing wrong with that, as a few celebrities own ranches and farms and such, yet obviously their fame is in their art/skill/whatever it is they got. Would that be the sort of thing she's looking to do?

Like Bramble said, their talent and cutie marks should reflect something about them. Why not share exactly what it is her cutie mark means to her other than 'she can draw/write'? What does it represent to her heart? Like I said, very interesting character so far and although there's nothing particularly wrong with this app, I still feel just a teeny bit of clarification on that is needed before I can stamp this and send it on its way :)

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Um well I don't really know what I'm supposed to do know. Do I change her Cutie Mark, her childhood dream? It's just I've been trying to wait patiently to get to RPing, and I don't think I can wait much longer, I'd rather just abandoned Canterlot, you kno what I mean? :-(

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Um well I don't really know what I'm supposed to do know. Do I change her Cutie Mark, her childhood dream? It's just I've been trying to wait patiently to get to RPing, and I don't think I can wait much longer, I'd rather just abandoned Canterlot, you kno what I mean? :-(

Neither, just some clarification. It appears her special talent is in the fine arts, but her primary motivation in life is farming. There is nothing wrong with this in itself. She could indeed love farming as much as she likes creating art, it is just art her "special talent", or in other words, what she is especially good at. She may even farm to earn the bits to support her artistic endeavors. I think we weren't just clear how or in what why the two work together in her life, that is all.

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Ok, thanks BrianBlackberry.

I'm just not to sure on how to go about this- I mean I like it just the way it is right now, :/

The only possible confusion I see is in her motivation. It is fine to say having her own farm as a motivation in her life, it is just there is no additional mention of her artistic endeavors and this is where I feel people are confused, given her artistry is her special talent; I feel that if it is briefly mentioned in addition to the farm in the motivation section, it will be fine.

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Indeed. There's nothing wrong with the character, it's just that her cutie mark isn't *JUST* a special talent - it's a realization of the self - a focal point of their innermost personality. So while yes, her motivation being for a farm is just fine ... it's just that we're curious where the central aspect of her personality comes in for motivation, at any time, *also*. It doesn't need anything changed - just a little bit of motivation added.

Basically, the cutie mark represents the single most important thing to a pony... so we're just curious how her cutie mark is represented for her motivation.

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