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Equestrian Elections


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So EQD brought this up, so lets discuss it... who would be the best president/princess/ruler of equestria or your own country?

Twilight: She would probably be the best. well organized and easily solves problems. doesn't usually jump the gun on any issues, although i think if things were going too well she might search for a problem to solve... and possible casue some... AKA: Crazy twilight

Applejack: Seconds best option, probably get all the countries out of their economic problems without much effort. i was thinking she might have an issue with relying on other countries for help, but after the Cider episode, she seems to already know she can count on allies for help.

Rainbow Dash: Needs to stay FAR away from politics... even as a war hungry president she'd be bad. i love her, i really do. but she shouldnt be allowed in any position of authority...

Rarity: She'd be a pretty face to represent the country, but as for decision making... eh, i dont know... She hasnt shown anything that i think would make her a good leader... she might be able to handle some tough decisions, she's proven she can handle the diamond dogs, so who knows? She's a rogue element...

Pinkie: No, moving on...

Fluttershy: i think she would get pushed around to much... Iron Will's assertiveness training would only go so far in politics...

So thats my thoughts on the mane six... anyone else?

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If only the leader? Twilight. She is probably the most level headed of the group and can think in the long run. HOWEVER, personally I'd prefer to see something like this...

AJ as the leader, with Twilight as the main adviser. Why? Twilight has the brains, but ponies can relate more to AJ, and AJ has a pretty cool head. She would make a better face of the country than Twilight, also she doesn't go crazy as easily. She can keep a cool head and be advised by Twilight. Then RD would be head of security, and Rarity woudl probably be something like secretary of state (she is a good face and responsible. but she has shown no decision making skills and doesn't deal with criticism well)

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are just simply not cut out for politics. Though I suppose FS could be in charge of nature conservation.

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Celestia looks to be doing a fine job. I can't imagine any of the other characters handling it better. :)

I'm not sure any of the Mane six would really be ideal. Twilight has the management skills, but a certain level of disconnect from other ponies; most of what she knows still comes from books and she still has a lot of learning to do (also she can just be supremely silly at times). Applejack is hardworking and dedicated and through the farm has some manner of experience keeping things running, but she's also incredibly stubborn and unfortunately not the most intellectual choice. Rarity has experience running a successful small business, she's focused, generous and always pays attention to the details; she however lacks focus on the bigger picture a lot of the time and easily gets swept up in big emotions Pinkie has a commendable level of dedication to always do right and a clear want to satisfy those around her, but unfortunately she's Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy is kind, attentive and nurturing, but even after the most recent episode she's probably still too much of a doormat.

So yeah, I don't think any of the Mane 6 are cut out for politics. That said, every one of them probably has more going for her politically than the current mayor of Ponyville from what we've observed. :D

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Rainbow Dash: Needs to stay FAR away from politics... even as a war hungry president she'd be bad. i love her, i really do. but she shouldnt be allowed in any position of authority...

I hate to agree, I really hate to... but I agree 100%... I dont think Rainbow belongs in any political office... *maybe* as some kind of advisor... for something... really I'm drawing a blank here... (politics was never a strong study for me, so I dont know all the different positions, I'm sure there's one somewhere that Dash could help with that also wouldnt cause too much trouble...)

I actually dissagree though on Rarity, she's running a successful business, so she is clearly capable of making diceisions, she does make a nice figurehead, and she is underhanded enough for politics (I still say she swindled spike) Though overall, AJ would probably be single-best because she's a hard worker, honest, and can be stubborn when she needs to be (though unfortunately when she doesn't need to be to) Twilight I think would crack up too often under stress, but get her on strong enough anxiety meds and she'd do great.

Fluttershy... yeah, she's head of forrestry or conservation or something... nothing majorly political

Pinkie... she has shown some remarkable skills in dealing with people, I think she could make for a decent secretary of state or an ambassador.

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I realize that I forgot to even say anything about Rainbow Dash in my earlier post.

That probably speaks for itself. In my opinion, she's probably a worse choice than even Pinkie Pie.

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AJ as the leader, with Twilight as the main adviser. Why? Twilight has the brains, but ponies can relate more to AJ, and AJ has a pretty cool head. She would make a better face of the country than Twilight, also she doesn't go crazy as easily. She can keep a cool head and be advised by Twilight.

Very good point, and probably for the best as a matter of fact.

I hate to agree, I really hate to... but I agree 100%... I dont think Rainbow belongs in any political office...

Trust me, it hurt for me to say it too...

DERPY FOR PRESIDENT! Muffins for everypony!

YES! I imagine her as the one guy who promised a horse for everyone during this election.

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No no no and once more no! Twilight would never do as a good president. I wouldn't like to see president who, when not knowing what to do, would search through books and eventually ignore everything else until finding an answer in there. Moreover, she'd be TOO predictable.

AJ is probably best option, since she seems to be using her common sense and logic the most out of all of them.

Rainbow, well... yes. Rainbow. Let's move one.


Rarity. Only as a face of country. But even this would be hard, considering how fragile can politics be, and how easily you could offend her by an accident.

And Fluttershy, like Rainbow, stay away. She couldn't finish anything she'd start if anybody even mentioned "Wondering" if they could refuse the idea.

Although you can always count on Discord yet.

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