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ShaleCrow, Reporting for Duty!


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Hi there! I’m ShaleCrow. Feel free to call me Shale, or Crow, or pretty much anything (provided I can tell that you’re talking to me). I’m from Australia. I have far, far too many hobbies for my own good: drawing, writing, roleplaying, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, flute playing, sci-fi (especially Warhammer 40k) and fantasy etc.

I’m a bit of a crazy linguist at heart, and I love words and idioms; their origins, their meanings, everything! I love all languages, and I tend to collect words and phrases from all over the world. This can mean that I sometimes use words larger than my own head. I’m of the ‘why write ten words, when there’s one that means the same thing?’ school of writing, which means that sometimes my writing becomes a huge lump of words that doesn’t make much sense. So if I do write something that makes no sense, please tell me. I’m trying to break myself out of my giant word habit.

I had been hearing about MLP:FiM long before I actually got into it. I just thought it wouldn’t be my cup of tea. Then I found a remix, I believe it was Night of Pony, and I thought “I just have to get the context for this”. I checked out TVTropes to see if it was good, like I do with all shows when I think about getting into them. It sounded good, as did the fandom, so I watched the first part of the pilot. And then the second part. And then the rest of the first season. I was completely hooked.

I found Canterlot via a youtube ad. I don’t normal click on the video ads, but I decided check it out because it looked interesting and I had never seen a MLP ad on there. A few days of frantic browsing and character brainstorming later, and here I am, writing this intro.

Favourite pony? Hmm, that’s a tricky one. As much as it’s cliché to say this I like them all, I do. Fluttershy is so cute; Applejack and Dash are lean, mean feistyness machines, Big Mac has the best voice etc. If I absolutely had to pick a favourite, it would be Luna. Though that’s probably because I really like redeemed villains and I adore traitors.

Anyway, hi guys (again)!

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Woo! Hey there Shale. It's always awesome to see another person join up with this great community. Part of me wants to give you the biggest high-five for giving us a meaty intro, the other portion wants to give you the biggest high-five for... wait. I guess it's irrelevant why if they both lead to the same end. I'm glad to see you've joined up, regardless, and am happy to welcome you to the herd.

Warhammer 40k? I feel we will get along swimmingly. While I'm not a player of the tabletop and I only dabble in the video media, I love the lore and writing of the 40k world. I'm also curious if you're a dabbler in the fine world of BioWare games. I'm most likely wrong, but the name Shale always had the Dragon Age ring to it for me ever since I played Origins and with the Antivan Crows present in Thedas as well... Yeah. I'm barking up a long serious of miscellaneous trees here, but I've seen odder origins for screen names. Plus, with your love of Sci-Fi I'd guess KotOR and Mass Effect would be right up your alley. But enough of the tangent. I came here to do one thing.


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I’m a bit of a crazy linguist at heart, and I love words and idioms; their origins, their meanings, everything! I love all languages, and I tend to collect words and phrases from all over the world

Anyway, hi guys (again)!

Oho, we have a polyglot, have we? Contrary to your belittlement of this custom, I recommend it!

We extend to you warm accommodations!

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Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome!

@Zephyr Breeze

*returns enthusiastic high five*

I'm not a player of the tabletop either. I once tried getting into it, but I couldn't remeber any of the rules for more than 10 minutes, and it would have costed me over $200 to make a simple army... Yeah. I just stick to the novels and the spin-off tabletop rpgs.

I haven't played any Bioware games, but I've heard good things about them. My computer has no graphics card to speak of, so any newer games (newer in this case meaning 'came out after 2006') cause my computer to overheat.

My screen name actually comes from one of the Warhammer 40k spin-off rpgs, Dark Heresy. The Shale Crows were monsters for a one-off adventure, but I kinda fell in love with the little critters.


I'm only a little a bit of a polyglot, I can only speak my first language fluently. I've got little bits of other languages: a few words in German, bits and pieces of Spanish, I used to speak Japanese kinda well, and my French is pretty okay (mainly because I'm learning it right now).

Anyway, thank you again for the warm welcome!

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You... you enjoy language? The art of speaking and writing? Of painting pictures with words?



You must come with me, I demand the pleasure of your company. Also, as you mentioned that you were reporting for duty, I would offer you a place as a commander.

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I nitpick on the perception that Luna is a villian or traitor. Essentially the Luna / Celestia relationship with Equestria was a bit like a polygamous relationship where Luna and Celestia competed for the affections of the ponies of Equestria. More and more the ponies came to love Celestia and the day while taking Luna for granted, ignoring her and not relishing in her beloved night. In Luna's eyes it was not she who turned from Equestria, but instead Equestria that turned from her. As a spurned lover she lashed out to destroy the relationship that had formed betwewen Equestria and her sister-turned-competition Celestia.

Luna is a very compelling character to me. While most of the cast is excellently written, Luna's tragedy is a very interesting one. Even after her redemption she remainis rejected and sidelined while forced to be happy for what little affection Equestria gives her. I hope to see more exploration into Luna in the future as she is certainly should win the greatest sympathy.

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"As a spurned lover she lashed out to destroy the relationship that had formed between Equestria and her sister-turned-competition Celestia."

I'd call that the wrong reaction. For starters, unlike a monogamous relationship, admiration is not a zero-sum game. Ponies can love the day AND the night. If Luna was jealous of her sister's fanship, she should have sought ways to get more fans, rather than being destructive.

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I'd call that the wrong reaction. For starters, unlike a monogamous relationship, admiration is not a zero-sum game. Ponies can love the day AND the night. If Luna was jealous of her sister's fanship, she should have sought ways to get more fans, rather than being destructive.

That is a bit of an over simplification of the issue at hand. The fact that the day and night were split between the two created the inevitability that Luna would always have less admirers and supporters than Celestia. She was in an essence doomed to be the less important sister. Putting aside pony biology it is simply easier to operate during the day than the night and this would lead to social convention that ponies be awake during the day and asleep at night. While some adherent Luna supporters would remain awake at night while sleeping during this day this would always remain a small lot. As such Luna is left to either be complecent in her secondary stage as the lesser or become resentful and lash out.

While I am not arguing that Luna's actions were "right" or "wrong" in some black and white moral sense, they are not without justification or a sense of inevitability. The sisters placed themselves into this position and by doing so Luna became a segregated force that while originally loved would eventually become overlooked. The conclusion that a rift would happen in sisterhood and some sort of a conflict would arise from this was simply inevitable. It is this inevitability that she was destined by things beyond her control to become the lesser that makes her so compelling.

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Hey, Crow! I also dig me some etymology, and happen to be a 40K junkie player who became one through some of the more well-written stories that take place in the universe. And look! In your short time here, you've already started a discussion. Looking forward to seeing you on the chat and in the forums. Check out the "word association game" if you get the chance.

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Yeah. I'm not so good at the painting pictures with words, but I'm practicing to get better at it. But I do admit that I love the art of speaking and writing.

@OccupyEquestria and Dessa

When I said that Luna was a redeemed villain, I meant that she used to be antagonist, but I now one of the good guys. Nightmare Moon was an antagonist, though whether she and Luna are the same person is debatable, but the Elements of Harmony redeemed her and changed her back to Luna.

In my opinion Luna/Nightmare Moon was a traitor because she betrayed Celestia, and in some ways Equestria as well. She may not have thought herself as a traitor, though. She quite likely thought she was putting things right, because there was likely dark magic involved and dark magic could make anyone loopy. Luna definitely had a motivation to betray Celestia. If she didn't, and just did because the plot demanded it, that would have been bad writing.

I actually like Luna for a lot of the same reasons OccupyEquestria does. I really like characters that, even though they're no longer 'bad guys', they still have to fight prejudice against them and prove that they are actually one of the good guys. However, I also like characters were get to explore what would make them betray someone the know and love. For Luna, it was the fact that most ponies preferred day as opposed to the night Luna worked so hard on. To give an example from another fandom, in Warhammer 40k, Horus betrays the Emperor because he thinks the Emperor is trying to become a god, and is going to throw Horus by the wayside once Horus has conquered the galaxy for him.


It appears I have!

And I'll definitely check the word association game now that I know about it.

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