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Nickname Chain Game!

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mm, Angie gets called all sorts of things

there's Goddess Gladys, because my friends were making fun of me for being full of myself (even though I wasn't. they like getting reactions)

there's bad touch Gladys (once again, looking for reactions. this name is more popular than goddess XD)

and there's a few names I've gotten in LPW, but they don't stick very long. Fish Cakes, Bakery Cakes... mm... some other stuff too. I forget :l

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bringing back 2 weeks old topics to life! Necromancy for the win!

There's a variety. Let's see...

1st: Maniac. Mostly because of it sounds nearly the same as my last name. But also because of... dedication I tend to share when I'm doing some specific things.

2nd: Jesus. It's... a long story. Really long. But the roots are somewhere in my friends nickname, as he's called God by us. So, even though I don't remember how I earned this nickname, now we're God and Jesus. But never ask for Holy Spirit. He's at the Bahamas. BAHAMAS. YES.

3rd: Seven. A story from students house. We lived in apartment on 7th floor, and made great team in there. So you know the deal... "7th floor is the best!". As a greeting to one of my friends in room nearby, I always knocked, blew the doors open and shouted "SEVEEEN!" in the very doorstep. Aaand, it remained at my person until now.

4th: Paratrooper. Uh... that's a thing I don't want to talk about, hehehehe.

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2nd: Jesus. It's... a long story. Really long. But the roots are somewhere in my friends nickname, as he's called God by us. So, even though I don't remember how I earned this nickname, now we're God and Jesus. But never ask for Holy Spirit. He's at the Bahamas. BAHAMAS. YES.

Heh, some people I used to know called me Jesus because... well I used to look a bit like him, i guess. Long hair and beard combo. :P I've since lost the beard.

Apart from that, never had a nickname. Not one I'd like to repeat anyway :roll:

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Just Skater Girl at college. Always showed up a little tardy to class, and would get "Oh hey, there's Skater Girl!" or "Finally got out of bed Skater Girl?" My favorite one was beating the teacher to class and sleeping in the back while waiting. She finally shows up after half the class has left, and I wake up to "Ooooh, you know I'm late when Skater Girl beats me here."

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i have some nicknames ironiclly i hate most of them :S

1 Spud - family nickname it just stuck with me at any family function

2 Califlour- cause i asked not to be called spud anymore >_>

3 Quackers - because in highschool i aperntly look like a duck :U

and this last one is a bonus group nickname

4 me and my most of ma freinds got together for ma birthday one year and we noticed something all our names started with D :P now when we get together we call ourselves the D gang

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Only nicknames I've ever hard was Fry cause it's my last name sorta

John Candy cause of a costume I had worn in 06

then Fluffy cause i was innocent and was fluffy lol. Or cause it was an Rp related nickname back in the day when ponies existed but weren't as good as it is now O

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