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So I may have autism


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A few weeks ago when I saw my med doctor for my bipolar disorder he said that I might also have a form of autism.

Now unlike most doctors who seem to like to slap on a diagnosis this seems legit, as I have had a development disorder for most of my life.

Sure I have the body of a 30 year old, but my mind seems more or less like that of a teenager.

Dont get me wrong, I have enough smarts to do things like build my own computer or use Linux but there always has been a part of me that always felt out of place.

I dont seem to look at the world the same way others do, and I can feel things emotionally I dont think anyone else can feel.

But you see, me building my computer and my feelings are both similar to autism.

When I was a kid I used to do crazy stuff too, like with my transformers toys i used to be able to transform them almost obsessively.

I have severe lack of social skills and this too is a sign of the disorder.

Now of course I didnt exhibit all the classic signs of the disorder but I still might have a very minor form of it.

My mother even said that it was possible I have it as she noticed other behaviors that fit the bill.

So what does this change for me?

Nothing but it sure as heck explains a lot and it might be yet another thing in the list of things that were misdiagnosed in the past by my older doctors.

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As long as you're healthy and happy, that's all that matters. It may be "autism" but these things don't need labels. Maybe you're just the symptoms OF autism? Or maybe you're just a socially shy child at heart?

Regardless of what is, if it isn't holding you back in life, and you're happy. That's all that matter. :)

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As long as you're healthy and happy, that's all that matters. It may be "autism" but these things don't need labels. Maybe you're just the symptoms OF autism? Or maybe you're just a socially shy child at heart?

Regardless of what is, if it isn't holding you back in life, and you're happy. That's all that matter. :)

^THIS. Couldn't have said it any better

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Just remember it's only a label given to you by others. It dosen't affect who you are in any way, and I feel that it's a useless to tell people stuff like this. You have the right idea, though. Stay strong, my friend.

Oh yes i am taking it in stride dont worry

Its not really fear that I have here, more like annoyance that once again I might have been misdiagnosed by my older doctors.

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As a fellow pony with Autism, I have many of the same problems you do. I have Aspbergers, a higher form of autism and ADHD as well. Stand strong and you'll achieve great things. I managed to become an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America by the skin of my teeth, barely getting my project report in to the regional advancement offices in Waverly, IA before my 18th birthday. That situation was caused by my issue with planning things ahead of time. But I digress.

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Try to use it to explain yourself rather than use it to label yourself. I was quite possibly born with Turner's Syndrome which in addition to a slew of medical issues it also causes some learning disabilities in memorization, science and math. My mind just takes a lot longer to process these things than the average person. It just means I have to work twice or even three times as hard as everyone else. Now because of doctors and my parents disagreeing on my diagnosis I have no real diagnosis. They believe I have been "cured" which you cannot be from a genetic syndrome. I exhibit many of the symptoms of a girl with TS but I have yet to make it official as I lack health insurance. I hope to someday know as it will make things easier.. such as knowing how this thing affects the reproductive organs.

Knowing for sure is a great thing because it means the questions are gone but don't let it define who you are. Finding a support system really helps. As a kid I joined a camp for children with heart problems and I feel it made me feel less alone.

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I have a co-worker that has Aspbergers and he is very skilled at our job and is quite happy. He doesn't allow it to become a label to hold him back from what he wants to do, even if for some things he has to work twice as hard as others. He has his quirks, but who amongst us does not? Just be yourself and do what makes you happy.

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welcome to the club man. if your able to interact with others at all, you most likely either have it high functioning, or Aspergers in general, both of which doesn't change who you are. to answer your question: barely anything at all. :)

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As everyone else has said, don't take this as a label.

Believe me, this doesn't make you different in this world. The way I see it, people with autism only have more to be proud of for their accomplishments. It shows that they aren't hindered by what is a "disability" in their lives.

Speaking from my perspective, I have not one, two, but THREE cousins that suffer from autism. One suffers from an extremely-minor case, while the other two cannot even communicate or function properly.

It's definetly tough, but with many cases like yours, it's only a label. No matter how much that can hang, it doesn't make you "different", or lesser.

Keep your head high, and keeping flying that way as well! Don't let anything stop you!

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Autism doesn't make you who you are. You are yourself. Like the others said, autism is just a label. It doesn't make you different. You make yourself different when you choose to not follow the crowd like sheep. Don't give up on yourself. Your just as good as those who haven't been labeled.

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