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Hiya Every-Pony!


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About Myself: Hi, every-pony! I'm a 14 year old female. Currently, I'm in High school and I want to become a Veterinarian when I grow up. Thankfully, I also adore horses and ponies alike!

I'm interested in Zumba an Brazil and martial arts (specifically taekwondo), video gaming, rock climbing,camping, and cartoons.

How I found Canterlot.com: I was just randomly looking around for a MLP RP websites.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I first realized that MLP wasn’t so babyish when I first saw the TV show on The HUB and then I just wanted to be able to role-play with other people concerning it.

So, the next day when I had some free time, I sat down in front of my laptop, opened up Google, and searched for the most resent and active MLP website.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
I like Apple Jack for her strong, tenacious ways, Pinkie Pie for her goofiness and Rainbow Dash because she's so awesome!

Anyway, that's about it for me. I look forward to meeting every-pony! And roleplaying with them too! xD

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Welcome to the forums! If you want to Roleplay, be sure to read the stickied threads in the Roleplay sub forums.

I thought you had too post three times in total in the intro part first to move anywhere else?, I was also wondering are anyponies on here parents or children to other ponies?

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I was also wondering are anyponies on here parents or children to other ponies?

*Oh please let this be an RP question and not an IRL question, otherwise I will look so silly :P*

A lot are, actually. You just have to make sure the owner of the other pony is okay with it first (unless the other person is you... XD)

Welcome to Canterlot! Have a great time here ^_^

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Oh gosh, all that sounds familiar. My sister is in vet school, and my dad is a vet himself. My parents had horses, but they recently passed away. I too enjoy camping/climbing (though I do more hiking than climbing), and gaming/cartoons are the best. :D

Taekwondo? Awesome! I got my black belt in high school. I haven't kept up with learning the new stuff (too expensive), but I still keep up with my sparring and endurance training. What are you learning now?

Welcome to the site. :)

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An OC is an original character, like the one in my avatar named Sydphony. I use him in the free RP section, in the Welcome Wagon RP mainly.

Are you allowed to use a character that you made in two different places (ex:A Character made in an application hasn't been accepted yet but can be Rp in an OC until it has been)?

Oh gosh, all that sounds familiar. My sister is in vet school, and my dad is a vet himself. My parents had horses, but they recently passed away. I too enjoy camping/climbing (though I do more hiking than climbing), and gaming/cartoons are the best. :D

Taekwondo? Awesome! I got my black belt in high school. I haven't kept up with learning the new stuff (too expensive), but I still keep up with my sparring and endurance training. What are you learning now?

Welcome to the site. :)

Lol I only do Taekwondo during the summer at camps so I never have really gotten a belt and the only combo move I'm good at is round house kicks. and HIGH FIVE for the Cartoons and Gaming WOOOO! :D and sorry about the ponies :( but I bet they are havin fun in pony heaven :)

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